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"Bellamy?, are you there? It's been 42 days since Praimfaya and I'm alive. I found the rover, and I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm all alone here... I tried to open the bunker but..."

Bell: What happened?? - he said still processing every single word - Raven?! - he screamed

Raven: I paused Bellamy... - she turned her attention to him - I can't believe she's alive. But she said "42 days" which means this message is from 6 years ago. She must be miserable out there alone.

Echo: We don't know if she's alive - her face of panicking is bigger, cause she knows if Clarke's alive, Bellamy will never love her again

Bell: We need to get down there. We need to see if she's alive, we need to... - A few tears started falling from his eyes, but he kept his face straight - we need to get her back Raven - he downed his look and everyone in the room felt his pain

Raven: Bellamy I'm doing what I can ok? I promise you that I will do everything to get her back - she looked at Bellamy

Raven pressed a button and the audio kept going

"... I couldn't...
Day 43.
Bellamy, if you are hearing this, please answer me, it's cold and I don't have much food left. This would have been easier if I knew you are alive. Tomorrow I'm going to find a place with the rover but... I miss you Bellamy, I miss all of

Bell: I left her behind, and now she can be dead, and it's all my fault - he starts crying even more

Echo: Bellamy... - she said touching his shoulder softly, noticing his reaction

Bell: Not now Echo... - he pushes her away, but with no intentions of hurting her feelings - we should.... -

They are stopped by this noise and everyone immediately placed their arms over their heads, covering their ears

Harper: What is this??? - she asked everyone screaming

Monty: Guys! - he said screaming and pointing to the window

Echo and Emori: No fucking way - they said at the same time

They were all looking over the window in shook: a ship.
Instantly, Raven got to the computer - Oh no... - she said looking into the screen

Bellamy: What is it? - he asked her

Raven: ... Bellamy if I connect with the ship we lose Clarke's audios - she downed her look, because she knew how much she means to Bellamy - It's your choice - she finally said after a beat

Bellamy's eyes were even more brown than usually, he knew he had to make a decision, quickly. If Clarke is dead, those audios are the last thing she ever taped. But if she's alive then.... who cares about the audios. He had hope in her.

Bell: Do it. - he ordered Raven - If there is a chance to see Clarke again I'm not going to waste it. I need to see her - he said and looked to Echo, who's face was red from blushing

  Raven nodded - Mayday, Mayday, this is the ark, we are stuck in here. Mayday mayday - she said to the micro

Murphy rolled his eyes and interrupted Raven right away


Emori, Raven, Harper and Monty: MURPHY!!!!! - they all screamed at the same time

Radio voice: "This is Charmaine Diyoza, who am I talking to?"

Everyone stood in silence after listening to that

Murphy: ammm... Murphy? - he said nervously to the micro

Diyoza: Hum.. ok.. MuRpHy, don't worry we are going to get you now, just put your "ark" near our ship please

Raven: We will do it now - and started tapping some buttons that only her knew how to tap

   Reality quickly caught Bellamy

Bell: This is it guys, we are going back to the ground - he said and everyone smiled - I'm going to see Clarke again - he added to himself at the end and couldn't avoid blushing

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