Engagement Ring [Roark x Reader]

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He is underrated. Please give him a chance and some love. He deserves it. Now, enough of my chatter. It's STORYTIME.

Roark was in the mines yet again. Oreburgh City was full of miners and strong people who don't mind getting their hands dirty. You ware one of them, but you worked above in a manufacturing company that transformed the ore into shining stones and in turn into things like jewelry, furniture, whatever you think of to sell it and ship it to the port cities for further shipping to other countries. Sinnoh was the number one region for ore and stones. It's a wonder why Steven Stone lives in Hoenn....

You were currently working on a very elaborate design requested to you from a couple in Hoenn. Speaking of Steven Stone. Heh heh. It was requested for a bright Diamonds center with sapphires around it and on the ring part of the ring little aquamarines popping out of the golden band. It was hard, but you could manage.

While you were getting one of the last aquamarines in, you heard the door open behind you. A note about your company is that maybe three desks can fit in the room so four people can work in a room. Visitors for everyone were also common. So when the door opens, it's a 25% chance it's for you. And guess who got lucky today?

You put down tour things, just about to turn your head to check and see who it was, when a kiss planted on your cheek and a bunch of giggles were heard from the other ladies in the room. You flushed a little pink and finally were able to get your eyes on Roark, your boyfriend and the Oreburgh gym leader. Wait, did we forget to mention that detai? Whoops.

"You asked for a little more sapphire?"

Roark got out a very tiny ziploc bag and placed it nicely on your desk. Sure enough, Sapphires cut to the perfect size were displayed before you. Awww, how sweet! He went and got your order for you! That's a thing you love about Roark, he's so kind and considerate as well as passionate about everything he does.

"What kind of ring is It this time?"

Roark watched you grab your little tools and finish putting in the last little aquamarine rhinestone in. You know what? You're a skilled jeweler. You can multitask. You decide to explain while starting on the sapphires around the big diamond.

"See, a very important client in Hoenn asked for an extravagant engagement ring. I asked who it was for and if I know them to help with the perosnality. It turns out our little Steven Finally took up a sweetheart and is going to tonpropose woth this ring."

Roark's eyes lit up. No way! His friend, Steven Stone, was the champion of the Hoenn region. Before he moved with his dad to Sinnoh for better lives, he used to play in the caves with Steven. It gave him a good, completed feeling to hear he finally wants to settle down with someone. But that's where the anticipation comes in. Who was he getting married to?

"But who is the ring for?"

You giggled and paused for a while. Would he be able to handle the information you were about to spill? You know what, Reader? Guess. Gues right here who the ring is for. Let's recap. A big diamond in the center with sapphires in a circle around it. The band is golden with aquamarines littered on the band. Now who does that sound like it's a ring for?

"Should I tell you?"

Roark grumbled as a smirk spread over your face. During this conversation, the other ladies didn't even bother doing their tasks. They were too amused with the two of you. That can't be the same for you with the engagement ring. You already have at least three out of the ten sapphires done!

"Come on (your name)! Don't do this to me!"

You snickered. Roark was someone to get emotionally invested in stuff. Sometimes when he's watching a show or reading s book he starts screaming to the characters as if they can actually hear him. But come on, it's not like you don't get that way. You wouldn't be reading fanfiction on wattpad right now if you don't. You rolled your eyes, fastenin in the fourth Sapphire.

"Alright fine. Steven's gonna propose to Wallace."

Gasps heard all around the room. The girls and Roark. Then Roark smiled and pumped his fist into the air excitedly. Yes! He knew Steven was gay! And that he was going to go for Wallace over Riley! Volkner and Flint owe him five bucks each! Woo hoo! THe other girls all extanged looks with wide smiles. Of course they all shipped it! They aren't the first gay proposal in the world! Come on guys! That one was obviously red and green!

Engagement rings. So much promise, so much wonder, so much beauty. You needed to make this perfect so OrginShipping can become cannon.

lol worth it. Sorry this was bad. 

Also can anyone answer me WHY THE HELL ARE GAY GUYS ALWAYS MORE ATTRACTIVE!? Can't they be bisexual or pansexual!? God!


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