33: This Is Home

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Her mood swings were like a really crazy rollercoaster ride. Taehyung doesnt know whether he finds it cute, funny or really annoying.

"I'm still sleepy goddamnit Kim Jisoo."

"But Taehyung, after a week. It's the day of the ultrasound!!"

He just nodded and went under the covers.

"But arent you excited as I'am?"

Taehyung heaved out a sigh before sitting up.

"Jisoo, so much. I just didnt have that much sleep when you keep waking me up just to pee--"

"It's not my fault you're always hugging me! And i need to pee and i need to remove your arm!!"

Taehyung smiled slyly before stretching his limbs.

"Alright, but we still have another problem." He brought up and moved closer to Jisoo.

"About our family, they havent met yet. They also dont know the truth yet."

Jisoo frowned and ruffled her already fixed hair.

"How do we break it to them?"

Taehyung smiled at frustrated Jisoo before patting her head.

"Let's tell them after the ultrasound and let's make it up to them with the gender of our baby."

She smiled a giddy one before having an ethusiastic high-five with Taehyung.

"Wow well aren't you going to get up already?"

Because of Jisoo's expression while she said that, he cracked up laughing.

"Okay okay, I will. Are you done with yourself?"

Another thing Taehyung noticed, with the baby bump. Jisoo has gotten slower than ever with her actions and routine.

"I just need...to do something with my hair and then we're off."

He nodded and grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom to take a bath.

As he exited the bathroom, Jisoo was still drying her hair.



"We're gonna be late and you're still not done!?

She pouted before ruffling her hair.

"Got lazy. I can rock a wet look Tae, let's just go!"

Jisoo got off the bed and was about to twist the door knob when Taehyung grabbed her hand, intertwined it with his and pulled her down to seat on the bed.

He grabbed a towel and then threw it unto her lap.

"We're going to be late if you're going to act like this Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung scoffed before doing it himself.

"If you wont act like this then we could save thousands of seconds already. KIM. JI. SOO."

She groaned before raising a white flag (metaphorically of course). Taehyung quickly did it, as fast as he could.

"Hmm, should be good enough. Here just comb your hair in the car, let's go." He muttered before grabbing her bag and pulling her go outof the room.

Taehyung went ahead and prepared her vitamins, grabbed a water bottle and went inside his car, starting the engine.

Jisoo soon followed him with a nervous expression on her face.

JUST ONE NIGHT  - VSOO -  ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant