38: Home

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So what did happen? For Jisoo, home didn't feel like home anymore and that alone struck her last string she has that helps her in keeping it together and we never help it but go a little insane.

"Jisoo, hun. Honestly, what we're you thinking!?"

"I was scared! HONESTLY, Dad. Do you have any idea why? And I was right wasn't I? You brought up a wedding without asking what were my plans and even forced us to live together and even if we we're real..."

She paused and looked at her mother beside her father.

"You know what. It doesn't matter, my very own nightmare is happening right before my eyes already."

Jisoo glanced at her parents' eyes one last time to see it shift from a judgemental look to a blank one.

"I know what I did was wrong. I know I should've handled it way better but honestly how could I when all I was worrying was when this day will come, that things will turn out bad and well would you look at that. I'm not wrong."

"I was reckless, yeah, but what's done is done and I can't believe you're still planning to take Taehyung away from me!"

"Jisoo it isn't right! He's practically a stranger and the fact that we let him live with you?"

Jisoo scoffed before rolling her eyes, on the verge of breaking down but she didn't want to show how lost she already feels to hear the words she hoped her parents wouldn't say. She hoped for an ending that'll be full of bliss, acceptance and laughter.

"Well mom guess what, I love him and in those 6 months you forced us to live together was enough for me to realize who's actually the stranger to me here and for petes sake, Mom! I was pregnant with his kid."

"Well thank heavens, not anymore." Her dad bluntly said and as Jisoo failed making the points she wanted to reach her parents, she heaved out a sigh and lastly said,

"All I ask is a little bit of decency in you two."

Before an uninvited tear could show up and stand as her white flag, she climbed up the staircase and into her room.

'I-I just lost my daughter and now this?'

She felt trapped knowing that she could never leave Taehyung but whenever she sees him, she's reminded of how she's similar to a murderer.

But she couldn't care less, Jisoo had no plans leaving his side.

Until her ticking time bomb blew up.

She didn't know what happened or what triggered it but she suddenly had a meltdown, just all of the recent occurences dawning upon her and just her taking everything in.

Jisoo loves her parents even above all the things that happened and her whole life all she did was abide by their rules so everything went perfect, just a normal wealthy family with normal wealthy pressure along with normal wealthy expectations. A thing goes wrong and all goes downhill. Just like when her brother flunked math on his last year of highschool.

The house was a warzone and she was in between everything which gave her a mental note to never screw anything up or hell will break loose.

She's hurt, deeply. By her own parents.

She loves him, terribly. But she needed to breathe her own air.

That's why she left home.

a filler chap!! jus sumn to clear d air about jisoo's side. tae's side next!!


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