16 : Rain

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It was raining out of their casa and Jisoo was just so bored. She turned her head at Taehyung who was sitting across her.

"So? Why are you here? You have work right? You even got promoted tough guy." Jisoo asked and raised and eyebrow.

"Seriously? You're just asking me that when you aready spent half of the day at home...with me?" Taehyung asked unbelievably while his eyes were still attached unto the laptop.

Sparing Jisoo some glances of disbelief.

"I wasnt interested. But rainy days are boring, im bored."

"Seems like it-"

"Answer me!~" She whined and threw tantrums like a litte child going for a homerun of tantrums.

"I have a project, and as ironic as it sounds i usually cant work very well on projects when iam at the office." Taehyung answered that made Jisoo stop. "You're an architect right?" She questioned and he just hummed and answer.

"Arent you suppose to be really busy? Why did you have time to be so lovey dovey yesterday? Huh huh" She irritatingly asked. Jisoo thought that day was really tiring.

Many things happened that brought her too much hassle to handle.

"I make time for important people."

Jisoo cleared her throat and stood up to get a glass of water. That sounded so professional, cool and

'so hot-'

"What the fuck?" She murmured and looked back at Taehyung who was looking at her with his head tilted downwards a little bit. A thing people do when they're using glasses.

"What happened?" He asked and Jisoo just shook her head no.

"The water tasted funny. Its fine."

Taehyung stood up, walked up to her, grabbed the glass of water and chugged it down. Wiping the water on his lips with the back of his hand.

"It tastes normal to me."

Jisoo could only look up. Since he was annoyingly humongous to Jisoo.

"Might be the pregnancy. Uhm im heading upstairs now, besides you are here for the peace and quiet to focus that you couldnt do at your office... Bye!" She said and ran to her room. Taehyung followed her by sight with a weirded out expression.

'She is right'

Taehyung went back to his seat on the living room and proceeded to review the basic visual drawing of the so called dream house his client wants.

* i know nothing about architect nor engineers. Deeply sorry for those who does. Give me some tips atleast? *

Jisoo was really getting really bored. She wasnt a rainy day person. Jisoo knew it was all of her imaginative bored mind that thought those thoughts.

She ruffled her hair before fixing it again (yes you read that right.) and washed her face. Planning to go outside, do something productive.

Jisoo wore

* im lost for words. same with her outfit.*


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