29: Dive

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He smiled at Jisoo as he helped her out of the cab.

"Wow that vacation was fast."

"What? What do you mean? I was dying of homesick."

Jisoo chuckled before flicking his chin upwards.

"Oh come on. It wasnt that bad and long."

"Well i worked and will work again here."

She grinned to herself before entering there house, Taehyung smiled as he watched Jisoo reuniting with Dalgom.

His eyes widened at a more unbelievable sight.

"I think i didnt lock the door..." Jisoo murmured before grinning awkwardly and rushing to her room.

'Shit shit! If dalgom is here and Jennie's here. Did she and mom somehow met each other...if they did. Fuck i'm so screwed.'

Taehyung watched Jisoo run to her room before turning his attention to Jennie who has an awkward smile on her lips.

"Taehyung, i'm sorry."

"Did you drop the case?" He asked not because he would fix his relationship with her if she did.

He just wanted to know and update of his parents.

I mean they are divorcing so, why wouldnt he ask?

"I cant. I literally cant! I would lose my job."

"Nevermind. I didnt know i was stupid enough to think you did."

"Taehyung, i'm sorry. Let's just go back to what we were, huh?"

He sighed before sitting in front of her.

"Then I'm also sorry Jennie." Taehyung only mustered up to say before being engulfed into a hug.

"Please Taehyung, let's not be this way and just return to what we are. Huh? I'm sorry you saw me with Yoongi-"


'The fact she called him informally-'

"We're just friends!"

"You hated him, dont expect me to take your shit."

Jennie sighed before breaking down.

"I love you Taehyung and i dont want to force myself on you so atleast, tell me everything over a cup of coffee?" Jennie asked with tears submerging her cat-like eyes.

He heaved out a sigh before standing up.

"I'm not heartless either, i mean. It's not like we didnt have anything."

Taehyung loved Jennie. He's still hurt but he doesnt feel the same way as he did before. There was something left which cant be identified but what was certain is.

It wasnt love.

"Oh. I knew she wasnt just a daughter of uncle's friend." Jennie said chuckling a little bit and sipped on her coffee.


"You cheated on me, should i be upset?" She teased and laughed a little.

Taehyung laughed akwardly before sipping on his cup of coffee.

"How did you know we'll arrive at this time?"

"Jimin and a little Jungkook."

'Those brats.'

"And im guessing, you've already fallen for her?"


"Oh come on, you wouldnt do anything if you didnt like her from the start."

"But how could i? We just met, it was a one night stand."

"What are you exactly implying then? You just learned to like her now? Impossible."

Jennie just made him more confused than ever.

"You see Taehyung. There are many forms of love yes but you cant learn any of it." She said and smiled mischeviously at him

"I remembered how you despised me from the start because of my attitude i mean iam a lawyer so that's a little inevitable. You also were very blunt to everyone you didnt like. So why wouldnt you?"

"Well i changed."

"No you didnt. I loved you because you we're you. And well i wont believe you if you tell me that there wasnt just a tiny spark in the beginning Taehyung."

There conversation didnt end there but that statement left Taehyung thinking once again.

What if he really did like her from the start.

'But i had Jennie...'

And that idea stopped him from liking her further.

'But i wasnt that good to her and technically i kind of despised her.'

"I remembered how you despised me from the start-"

'What? So that was it? No..'

He heard a rustle and saw Dalgom running towards him snd saw Jisoo with a worried look.

"Did you...two get bac-"

"What? No."

Taehyung started to approached her but she stopped him.

"Stop. S-stop for a minute."

She breathed in before speaking her mind.

"Honestly. I didnt want to do anything with you when i found out i...harbored feelings for you. My brother who helped me through it, questioned me."


"Wait shush."

Jisoo smiled and once again spoke.

"It was because, you just came from this. A break-up. I'm sure there's still something left and if w-we're...w-we're going to have something...it's not like i want that something gone Taehyung but i dont want you to like me because i was there when Jennie wasnt-"

"But you're not like that Jis-"

"Shush goddamit i just wanna clear up my mind, let me have this speech."

He just shutted his mouth up and looked away.

"Look Taehyung. I...i possibly may or may not have feelings for you.'

'Pft, cute.'

"Dont laugh!"

"Okay okay!"

Jisoo frowned and just continued.

"I would like to help you clear up your mind or whatever to help you know what to do with whats something left but if the chances are high that you'll possibly like me back...i dont want that to be the reason. I want you to...like me because you just do."

Jisoo wasnt wrong about the fact that there was still something left but what she was wrong about was the reason why Taehyung likes her and the fact that he already does.

There's just a little bit of something missing.

And hey, dont blame Jisoo.

She just doesnt want to dive in a pool of stones.

Short chapter, will update later, bye!


JUST ONE NIGHT  - VSOO -  ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora