Before And After His Mission

Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath to calm your racing heart, you weren't quite sure how to approach the subject with him.

"I was thinking..." you started, picking your words carefully. "I was thinking about your mission tomorrow.

Even though you couldn't see him, you knew he was frowning. "Sweetheart?"

"I started wondering what I would do if you never came back to me." a fresh wave of tears rushed to the surface and began to pour down your cheeks. "If you died trying to take down a bad guy. How could I cope?" Your voice was becoming more distorted as your body shook with heartbreaking sobs that escaped your perfectly shaped lips. "What if I never got to say a proper goodbye?"

As you broke down Peter held you even closer, rubbing your back in small circles, patiently letting you cry out your fears. He whispered soothing words of reassurance, of promises- anything that would stop your tears and cast away the anxiety.

When you had settled slightly, he finally said; "I promise you (Y/N), I will never leave you. I love you and I will always return to you, sweetheart. I promise, okay? Don't cry or worry about me. I've got Tony and Steve on the team, they'll not let anything happen to me. Otherwise they'll have the wrath f Aunt May to deal with and trust me, she's scarier than anything we go up against. There is really nothing to worry about." he placed a tender kiss on your lips, allowing his feather like touch to linger for a moment or two before pulling away to rest his forehead against yours. "Nothing at all," Peter mumbled. "I promise."

You knew he was right but you still felt uneasy about the whole situation. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his silky hair.

"But no proper goodbye. Just a fleeting moment on the quinjet launch pad before you leave? I'd hate for that to be my last memory of you. My final moments would be watching you walk away, never to walk back into my life again."

He couldn't argue with you; you had a point.

"Well," he began, "Let's say our goodbyes now. Let's create the perfect memory, so that if I do die- which I won't because I'm Spiderman- then you'll always be able to remember this moment. I know it's not what you had in mind but I can't not go tomorrow. You understand that right?" He shifted on the bed slightly, moving his arms to your waist.

"You know I can't just let the others march off into battle without me. Bucky is, like, at least ninety-five. He's basically an old man. He may need help to cross a road."

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