Chapter 46

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NIGHT SEEMED TO COME QUICKLY. WE HAD manage to prepare everything as best as we could but there was only so much we could do in such a short amount of time. I was on watch in the north foxholes with Miller and Octavia.

"Psst, hey, Kat," Octavia whispered over to me. Miller shot her a curious glance before shifting his focus back on the woods. I noticed the sword that Lincoln had given her hung behind her back. "I was thinking... the grounders have scouts. Shouldn't we have some too?"

I shrugged. "I mean it would be ideal but Bellamy said no one leaves the walls."

Octavia pursed her lips. "Since when do we do what Bellamy says? You know these woods just as good as me. We can go and come back before anybody notices."

"You know I'm right here," Miller says, shooting us an annoyed look.

"Miller, this could make a difference between life and death."

"It's your funeral."

I turned to look at Octavia giving her a sharp nod. She pulled out her sword, lifting both of her eyebrows suggestively. I followed her out of the foxhole and into woods.

We didn't trek too far in. I kept my gun high at all times, keeping a watchful eye on the woods.

"This way." Octavia murmurs.

We find a position that was slightly uphill of camp. It provided a clear view of an attack before it happened. I used the scope on the gun to do a quick sweep of the surrounding area.

There was a slight rustling behind us. Octavia and I immediately spun around, both of our weapons drawn and pointing to the darken forest.

"Don't shot," A familiar voice says. Thomas steps out from behind a tree, his hands up above his head. His bow and arrows behind his back.


Octavia looked at Thomas, her weapon still drawn. "Wait, the same Thomas that helped you escape when you were captured?"

"Yeah." I put my gun down. "He's my friend."

Octavia hesitates, before nodding. She didn't need much convincing to trust a grounder.

Thomas let out a breath, walking towards us. He was wearing his camouflage outfit that I had first met him in. Similarly to then, his icy blue eyes were striking against the black war paint smeared across his face.

"Why aren't you behind your walls?" He asked, looking straight at me.

"We needed scouts too," I said defensively. I frowned. "What are you doing here? If your people see you they'll kill you."

"Oh you're who Lincoln said he was helping." Octavia realized.

Thomas nods to Octavia quickly before meeting my eyes. "I came to help you fight. I'm Trikru's best archer, having me may help make it a fair fight."

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