"I ought to have inspected the corpse and vial better." Arthur sighed.

"But when I inspected the corpse and vial, Siemens had indeed died of stab wounds."


"He only intended to fake his death but ended up being murdered for real." Lau realized.

"Judging from the situation, the perpetrator might have attempted to frame the Earl. But it backfired when Miss Red was accused as well, so he sought to rid of her."

"Me?" Ciel mumbled.

"Why?" Red asked, slightly irritated.

"However, we do not know whether Lord Siemens was involved as well. He seemed to go wild when under the influence of alcohol, so the perpetrator might have suggested it by saying, 'let's surprise everyone'."

"This was the first time that he and I had met. He had no reason to frame me. He must have been used then murdered to keep him from talking."

"Poor man." Arthur sighed.

"The perpetrator would have had many opportunities to approach the lord at a dinner buffet."

"Then anybody could have cozied up to him! No one else would have a valid alibi either!" Woodley shouted.

"I could ask each and every one of you about what you discussed with Siemens, but...I won't. Human beings lie." Jeremy shrugged.

"Yes, you might be lying now too. If he ingested poison, where did the bottle go?" Grey asked.

"It's simple. You discard it where no one will think to look. Like in the fire."

"Now I remember, there was a lotta firewood in the hearth then." Bard stated.

"People wouldn't look for it there. You would only need to retrieve it once things had quieted down..." Arthur assumed.

"But everything did not go as planned." Red stated, crossing her arms.

"Due to Sebastian." Ciel nodded.

"I see! The butler came to stoke the fire!!" Arthur exclaimed in realization.

"B-Bull!!" Woodley shouted.

"Your alibi would be invalidated if proof of the staged death is found. You killed Sebastian out of haste, retrieved the evidence, and returned to your own room." Ciel continued.

"Then whoever has it is the killer!! I have nothing of the sort in my possession! You've looked already!"

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