God, I'm hungry.

Noticing some Avocado left in the fridge, she decided to cook some Guacamole with Salmon and some soup.

On the other part of The house. The lock on the big entrance mansion door clicked open, a solitary sound of footsteps echoed on the marble floor as he passed through the big living hall. Whilst he strode past the vacant living hall towards the stairway, his eyes caught the glimmering lights of the kitchen.

Meanwhile, The concentration she poured on her cooking made her unaware of the door clicking, indicating her husband's return.

For a few minutes, She was still unaware of The discreet movements he made towards her.

Feeling slightly content to taste her favourite Mexican soup, she started to taste it but was caught off guard when she felt a presence standing behind her.

Suddenly, his smell wafted around her as she was embraced with his heat behind her.

Automatically, a surprise shrink tore her throat, causing the empty bowl she was holding to fell on the floor.

"Omg, it's you." Huffing a pack of air, she placed her hand on her chest and sighed in relief the moment she realised that it was him.

Blame her poor heart.

"You should say something. You startled me."

The plastic bowl she was holding fell on the floor, making her want to pick them back up, but Taehyung stopped her.

"Let me." Without waiting for her response, he picked the plastic bowl for her and placed it on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you."

However, she realised that sprinkles of the soup from the spoon she was holding splashed on his white shirt, leaving a trail of soup on his expansive suit. Adding to her dismay, some of the soup splattered on his lips, lingered on his lips.

"Oh god. Your shirt." Instantly, she grabbed a tissue nearby to wipe her apparent carelessness.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so careless. I should be more careful."

Unaware, She continued wiping the soup on his white shirt and the slight sprinkle of it on his lips.

Taehyung 's eyes fixed at her, who was so focused on wiping his face, her soft skin grazed on his face sending some tingles.

His brown orbs fixated on her observing every inch of the beauty in front of him.

Irene looked up at him.

Only to see him licking his lips, slowly tasting the soup she made.

Almost instantly, her body froze as her eyes met his.

"It's delicious," his tongue darts out, sliding along the bottom lip, licking off the soup from his lips. And He rubbed his thumbs on it to suck it slowly. His eyes held hers; something enigmatic flickered under the black pool of eyes.

There was a sudden thick unsaid tension surrounding them.

"I like it."

"It's a spiced carrot lentil soup." A delicate smile plastering her lips, the twinkles in her eyes made him drawn into her more. "I'm glad you like it."

The moments and eye contact linger. Suddenly, she realized their intimacy and closeness, causing her to turn her body and continue preparing the food for dinner.

"Well, why don't you take a shower first while I prepare the dinner for us," she suggested as she possibly changed the topic, attempting to break the dangerous intensity that still lingered around them.

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