Extra Chapter

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A/N: This could be labelled as Chapter 47 because it chronologically follows the plot but to be honest, it's more of an extra scene/chapter between Johan and reader that I had idea of but actually forgot to put ^^'''' Don't forget, the story is finished, though! This is just an extra chapie I want you guys to enjoy! ^_^ Oh, one more thing! A lot of you messaged me and some of you commented on the last chapter that you would like to see what Johan and reader's life would look like soooooo I will put some insight into their life, at last how I imagine it, in this chapter. I won't be putting all the details. There is also something I would like to share with you, that I kind of imagine to happen in their life: Miyu would have a crush on Dieter. Don't ask why, my mind just ships those two. And now, without further ado, enjoy this chapie :D

Your P.O.V.

Who would have thought my life would turn this way...

Idyll of a perfect life for a blatant people like Johan and me...

"Would you like more butter cookies, Nii-chan?" You asked as Kenzo placed the last cookie in his mouth. His eyes averted at you, and a small smile crossed his face.

"Ah, no. I have had enough for today. You know", he looked at you like a parent lecturing their child "Too much sugar is not good for you either."

"Blame Johan. He spoils me with local sweets every time we travel." You let a small giggle. saying that with humour in your voice even though you knew your brother would always have doubt in the blonde man for being with you. You did not blame him though. Everything associated with the monster brought bad memories to him although you genuinely thought that he did forget Johan...to a certain extent.

"I do not force you to eat all of them." Johan let out a small chuckle, as he delicately took a sip of his tea, catching your and Kenzo's attention "You do not want him to think bad of me."

The usual mockery from the monster would always be there of course. You knew he enjoyed very much to give sarcastic comments in the presence of your brother, and his Lieber Doctor Tenma.

"Ha ha" you added as you rolled your eyes but then noticed the man's hand tighten around the hold of a cup for a moment. He would always do that when- "You are having headache again."

"You're imagining stuff, my dear." He said in a bit if a rushed manner which was uncharacteristic for his way of speaking. A serene smile crossed his face as he looked at you but neither of you were fooled this time by that pretty face of his. No matter what, Johan would always hide his emotions. They would always be wrapped up in a perfect persona he displayed.

"You should have told me." Kenzo said, looking at Johan who was sitting on a opposite couch next to you "Despite everything, you are still my patient, Johan. I am responsible for your well-being."

The blonde man blinked. You knew he was surprised.

"Thank you for your concern, Dr Tenma but I am perfectly fine."

You let out a deep sigh "And I am a prime minister of Japan." The blonde looked at you with that seemed like a small amusement and confusion, "You were shot twice in head. You were in coma for three years. Just because you are not in huge pain, or you were able to hear me, doesn't mean you body isn't damaged in some way." Small worry was traced in your voice and eyes as you put your hand on top of Johan's "Kenzo can help you. He can prescribe you something. You don't have to hide it from us."

The blue oceans moved to the elder sibling "That can wait. Dr Tenma is going to miss his flight if he does not hurry up."

With that, the poor doctor looked at the clock on the wall with wide open eyes, rushed to the door, putting on his shoes with you behind him "But will all seriousness, Johan, I can prescribe you something but first I should do the full check-up the next time when I come." The raven haired man sent a small smile to the young man, assuring him that he was serious and that he did not plan any tricks to get his sister's lover in trouble. A serene smile crossed the blonde's face as he looked at the doctor. He did not answer anything, though.

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