Chapter 45

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~Time skip: 2 years~

Kenzo and Nina were true blessings to you. The amount of their help with basically everything was enormous. After finally giving a birth to a healthy daughter, and obtaining PhD in time of only a year and half, you were given a job as a criminal psychologist in Munich. The beginning was tough, you didn't deny but it was worth it. Plus, one of you very colleagues was Rudy Gillen, Kenzo's past classmate, and the man whose work you greatly admired. Over the time, you got a promotion, better salary, and quite a reputation.

That was when you also departed from living in a small flat with Nina to another, better one to live on your own with Miyu, your daughter. You couldn't bother Nina too much either. The poor woman had her studies as well. But after living with Nina for quite a time, you couldn't help but miss her company sometimes. After all, the two of you became a very great friends despite all the circumstances.

Miyu...written with kanji, it meant beautiful and kindness but written together, it meant beautiful connection. It was a bit ironic because the connection you had shared with Johan was twisted but it was beautiful in a way. Of course, Miyu's last name was Tenma just like yours. You would had you said that making her last name Liebert did not cross your mind but-

At the time, monster's full name was not known, and leaving her nameless was not even an option. You knew damn well how a name is important. Sometimes, it felt like a curse and a blessing that Miyu's appearance would remind you of the monster and the man you loved. Her blonde hair was that of a shade that you bet Johan had had as a child, as well the small curls in the end. Her blue eyes were the same shade as well although they appeared more of a shape of yours. It was hard to tell who Miyu resembled more, you or Johan since the girl was, only a year and a half old. She was very smart, and quick to learn too.

Finishing with the report, you answered your cell-phone only to hear enthusiastic Dieter "________! _______! Tenma is back! You'd better finish your work early today!"

Your eyes widened, and a happy grin immediately plastered upon your face "Onii-chan..! Yes, of course! Thank you telling me, Dieter!"

"Don't forget you promised to play football with me later as too! Do you think Tenma would be interested as well?"

Letting out a small chuckle "Who knows? Perhaps another day, though. He must be tired from the travelling."

"Yeah. I am going to help Dr Reichwein prepare lunch. See you later! Oh, gotta tell Nina too!" Dieted said, and with a small 'bye' from you, you finished the call, and looked out of the window of your office. You were really happy to hear Kenzo would be visiting Dr Reichwein's house the same day. Ever since you had got some control in your life, you immediately had persuaded Tenma to continue with his life. He had helped you greatly, yes, but you could not bear the fact that you were the one was stopping Tenma to do what he wanted. And, in order to do that, you persuaded Tenma to join MSF with no guilt whatsoever soon after you had started to work in Munich. Of course, you missed him greatly every moment, but you knew it was the best.

"But who will take care of Miyu when you are at work?" Kenzo would ask.

''Until she is able to join kindergarten, Dr Reichwein will be taking care of her when I am at work."

Perhaps, Dr Reichwein helped a bit as well. Okay, a lot. Not only he was taking care of Dieter and Miyu (while you were at work) but he had been helping Kenzo the whole time he had been chasing Johan.

But even though. . .

I am not happy.

I am not completed.

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