Chapter 44

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Your P.O.V.

"Take it easy."


You let out a small sigh in exhaustion, and slowly opened your eyelids, adjusting to the bright white lights that were usual in hospital.

"Ah!" You lift up yourself in the bed, looking at her with eyes wide opened as soon as your mind cleared "Onii-chan..! And Johan..!"

"Calm down, ______. You are still fragile." She said with a comforting voice, and worry in her eyes. She let out a small sigh, and continued speaking, still sitting on the chair that was near your bed ''As soon as you passed out, Tenma and I brought you to the nearest hospital. He is currently operating...on he told me be here for you."

Making a small nod, you realized you were hooked on IV "Why did...I pass out out of sudden..?"

"Well, Tenma said you have always had a fragile health..." she trailed off, and then bowed her head for a moment, looking at her lap while she was twirling her thumbs as she hesitated to continue "However, this time that might be not a reason. At last, that was what the doctors said."

Your eyebrows furrowed together "What did the doctors say?"

"Stress, and sudden low blood pressure. They also asked something that I couldn't answer them." She let out a sigh, and then looked at you "_______, have you and Johan ever...slept together?"

Your eyes widened, and blush immediately covered your cheeks as you averted your gaze from hers in embarrassment. You could barely answer "A few times but why does-" your mouth opened, and you once again looked at her in utter shock and realization "They think I might be pregnant?! But I had my periods! And there were no symptoms...!"

As if on cue, the middle aged nurse came inside, looking at you "I see you are finally awake. That's good. I assume your friend told you, and I couldn't help but hear you." A small smile crossed her face "You know, a lot of women can get into the third month of pregnancy without even knowing just for those reasons. And if you've been under a lot of stress lately, it's no wonder your organism reacted that way."

You bit your bottom lip, and nodded at her, still screaming internally at the possibility-

Perhaps one day would be nice to have kids of your own...but not now!

Now now when you barely had any control over your life-

"I need to ask. When was the last time you had sex?"

"Three months..."you barely answered, staring into white sheets, rethinking at the mere possibility of being pregnant.

"Did you perhaps gain some weight during that period?"

"A bit...noting too much. But"' you emphasised as if trying to comfort yourself more than answering to the nurse"I was eating a lot of junk food.''

Nina, seeing you in distress, placed a hand on your shoulder, and smiled slightly at you, and then looked at the nurse "We had a tough time. Can she, please rest for now, and do the tests some other time?''


"No..." you covered your mouth with your hand, staring at the paper that seemed so distant to you "I can't- I can't be pregnant! Not now!"

"_______, everything is going to be alright." The Japanese man said, although he seemed to be in worry and shock as well even though he seemed to be more in calmer state than you. After all, the fact that his own little sister was bearing a child of a monster he had been after for so long was so ironic, so twisted, so hard to comprehend that his mind and voice was appeared almost as calm as the monster himself that day on the roof when the blonde devil had executed one of his patients. Although, Tenma being Tenma, he focused on the fact that he would become an uncle. After all, the child would be not only the child of a monster but his sister's child as well. And he knew damn well that she needed all his support at that moment.

"Onii-chan! Nothing is going to be alright!" you shook your head, "How on earth am I supposed to raise a child in this state?! I barely have any control in my life right now! That bastard survived but is in coma! I am b-broken! And currently I don't even have an income! After I graduated, I thought of doing a PhD programme, and get done with that as soon as possible, become a criminal psychologist but-" you let out a short laugh, emotions battling inside you "Shit happened! He happened! And top of that, I still want to give him a second chance-" tears started sliding down your cheeks "And what kind of mother I could possibly be?! I don't want anyone to be broken like me-"

"_______..." Nina whispered, still looking at you with almost guilty look in her eyes.

"_______!" Tenma said, as he stood in front of you and placed his hands on top of your shoulders, his eyes tired from the operation on Johan, and everything that had happened "Sometimes, things happen. Things that disturb our plans which we have for the future but don't give up like that! I know that once your mind is set on something, you will get it no matter what! You are capable of everything, Imuoto. I believe in you!" A small smile crossed his face "Don't you dare think that you are alone in this! Understood? I am staying with you as long as I can. I have no intention of letting you down once again."

Your eyes widened as you shook your head, every part of you screaming to accept Tenma's offer but-

"I can't let you do that. You are a doctor. It would take you so much time if-"

"If he were alone." Nina suddenly said, as she stepped closer "_______, I will help you as much as I can as well. Don't worry about income either! We can rent a place together, I will continue my studies, and both of us can do part-time jobs, and I am sure we can figure things out."

This took you by surprise. You couldn't help but help but feel happy and at peace at that moment even though a part of you was still disturbed.

The first time you felt like you had people you could count on.

Wiping away your tears, you let out a sob " am I supposed to repay for any of that. I swear-" another sob "I swear, I will be standing on my own two feet as soon as possible."

Giving not in my vocabulary. 

A/N: I don't know have any of you noticed but a few days ago this story was ranked #3 in tag manga!! Like- It's such an universal tag, and it ended being #3 out of 5k stories?!?! And then I went to option see all rankings, and this story was:

#3 in MANGA out of 5k stories

#494 in MONSTER out of 1,6k stories

and you won't believe this, and I almost died laughing at this: #871 in LEMON out of 9k stories XDDDD 

I don't know how the ranking system works, does it refresh everyday because one day it's like #200 or so in manga, the other day is #800 or so *shrugs* I just wanted to share that with you, guys! 

In Love With a Monster (Johan Liebert x reader)Where stories live. Discover now