Chapter 1

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"Ardua prima-" you started reading a new chapter to the old man, your eyes following the perfectly printed words in the old green covered book as your right hand flipped on the new page, making a small pause from the reading.

"Stop." the old businessman stated, not breaking eyes contact with the window, although he could barely see anything. You broke the eyes contact with the words from the page as you lift up your head from the book and looked at Schuwald. He was really a pain when it came to reading to him, always interputing and saying that it wasn't good enough or just simply saying negative critics to your reading in general. However, since you lived on your own, for you needed money for paying rent, college and food, you had no other choice but work as one of his readers on Sunday. "Those words should be read more beautiful. You have no emotions while you read. Even Karl is better reader than you."

"I am very sorry sir. I will try to read better next chapter." you sighed slightly as you brought the book closer to your face again. Before you parted your lips to read another word, Schuwald spoke again.

"There will be no next chapter for you if you don't get your Latin better. This is a last warning. I hate hearing those beatiful sentence read like a bad written article from a newspaper."

Your eyes widened as your heart started pounding faster. You really needed that job! "Sir, I promise I will get better! I just-"

"Have a potential but need someone to practice with."

You tight your grip as you stood up "Sir..." you bit your button lip, trying your best not to sound desperate even though you were "I don't think I know anyone who know Latin well enough to teach me. I...have no friends."

The fact weren't socially akward or something like. Nor you were anti-social. The reason was simple. You just hadn't been with anyone too long in contact to consider them as a friend. The term friendship for you was so over-used and you certainly didn't want to call someone a 'friend' just because you spoke to them a few times.

The old man broke the eyes contact with the window as he turned to you. You doubted he could see you but you still avoided eyes with the Vampire of Bayern. You thought we was going to fire you but a word which left his mouth surprised you "Johan."

You blinked in confusion as your mind tried to process the unknown name "Johan? Pardon of me, but who is he?"

"If there is anyone who could teach you, then that is Johan. He is perfect at reading..."he lowered his face slightly and continued "Too perfect."

"You want me to ask Johan to tutor?"

You weren't happy with the idea with being alone with a total stranger but desperate times demand desperate actions.

If only you had known what Schuwald's positive answer would have done to you...


After your discussion with Schuwald, you had no other choice but to find so called Johan Liebert. Schuwald hadn't known where the young man lived but he had his contact number.

You sat on your bed as your eyes scanned a piece of his white paper on which Johan's number was. You bit your button lip for you were quite nervous about calling a stranger.

What if he tricked me and leaded me into an empty alley? What if he was a rapist or murderer?

Knowing that those kind of thinking about Johan could lead nothing but anxiety, you decided to push those thoughts away and just call the young man. You approached to the on the table and placed a headset near your ear, your left hand twirling the right number.

After a few seconds, you heard a soft yet luring masculine voice on the other side "Hello."

His voice is so nice...

You sighed deeply, trying not to sound nervous "Good evening. Am I speaking with Johan Liebert?"

The response was quick, but not too quick "Yes. May I help you Miss?"

"______ L/N. You see...I am Sunday's girl." you took a small pause, thinking how to continue with your request.

There was a small chuckle on the other side "I assume you are working for Mr. Schuwald. He can be problematic sometimes. Was he speaking harshly to a nice young lady such as you?"

A small pink colored your cheeks as you just mindlessly muttered 'Mhm'.

Surely, such a polite and charismatic man couldn't be bad.

"I would like to speak with face to face. After all, I am going to be your tutor for some time being. Isn't that what you called me for? How about we meet somewhere tomorrow? 2 PM at the cafeteria near University of Munich?"

You nodded although it was meaningless since you were talking on the telephone "Sounds good to me."

"Perfect. Goodbye ______. We will see each other tomorrow."

"Yeah. Bye Johan." you slightly smiled as you hung up the phone.

I can't wait to meet Johan! He sounds so nice and polite. 

In Love With a Monster (Johan Liebert x reader)Where stories live. Discover now