Chapter 34

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   Your P.O.V.

Tracking your brother was like finding a needle in the haystack. Finding him felt like an eternity...and each time you found something that could lead you to him, the essential clue would just lead to another clue...

Each time it felt like you had lost him once again. He had always been so close yet so far away at the same time.

Where are you...

It was not only that that pained you but the fact that you had to part your way with Johan as well but you knew you had to. You buried your face deeper into the scarf that the blonde had given you a long time ago. Even after being washed, it still had a scent of him...or maybe it had not. Perhaps it was just your imagination? A wish that had to be buried deep inside until all the anguish was gone.

How long had it been since you kissed his lips for the last time, and whispered a goodbye to him as you held in all the tears that were threatening to slide down? The last time you heard his soft melodic voice? A touch that would make you tremble in excitement?

You had no idea how many months...knowing the number would just pain you even more.


No time for that.

The journey lead you to Prague.

As much the place looked beautiful, like a place from a dream, you still felt ugly inside. Everything that had come to your mind...all the memories from your childhood...

I failed him once...

I won't do the same mistake again.

Thankfully, a lot of older people spoke German since you had no knowledge of Chech.

The old man that you had asked of the whereabouts of your brother had told you he saw him passing a street near a bar with another man some time ago in which they stopped for a few moments. Neither after the old man descried you how the other man with a bag looked like, you had no idea of whom he was talking about. Perhaps a friend that had helped your brother? You sincerely hoped so. However, knowing that your brother was on the run, you assumed that he and the other man stopped to the bar only to take a glass of water or something along those lines. He had to hide from authorities after all. Either way, the bar was your only clue.

Letting out a deep sigh, you opened the door of a not-so-nice-looking bar only to be yelled at the moment you stepped your foot inside even though you didn't know why. The short black haired man in poor quality looking uniform was yelling at you in another language!

"What? I don't understand-" you said but he continued talking in Czech, and pointed his index finger outside at which your eyes slightly widened. You understood he was kicking you out but you had no idea why.

"No women allowed. This is only men's bar." The old man at the table that was near the door told, as he took a sip of some beverage that smelled like a strong alcohol.

"You don't understand! I just need to ask-" but before you could finish the sentence, the short man already pushed you outside, and closed the door after him. Your eyes widened as you looked at the dark sky above you.

Did I just get kicked out of the only fucking place that could lead me to my brother?

Your lips trembled slightly as you clenched your fists "Damnit!" one tear slid down your cheek, desperation taking over you "Damnit! Damnit!"

I NEED to get inside!

But there was a problem....

"Only men's bar," you whispered to yourself as you bit your bottom lip, something like an idea starting to raise in your mind "Men's bar..."

What if-

As the trace of idea developed, you looked down at your hands.

What if-

It seemed twisted. No, it was twisted.

But it might fucking work.

What if I cross-played as my brother?

It would be weird on so many levels...but it just might work! You licked your dry lips, and let out a deep sigh.

Not only you could find more of the whereabouts of Kenzo but you might found something about the other man if you played the role right. Right questions lead to right type of manipulation. Right manipulation would lead to your advantage.

And oh boy, it would help you damn well-

I will find you, Onii-chan!

The twisted idea would work. It had to work.

No one's P.O.V

"That's as far as I will let you listen. I finally understand now. I finally understand after listening to this tape. I finally understand where I need to go, Dr.Tenma. " A small pause but the monster's voice continued soon after he let out a small chuckle over the small black box"But I will let you listen to something more, Dr.Tenma. Or should I say someone whom I found?"

The three man listened to the tape carefully. Although-

The good doctor's widened in utter shook, confusion as his emotions started playing as soon as he heard the voice. It was impossible! His sister-

She was-

Supposed to be dead!

"Please, don't make me forget him. Just one memory. That's all I wish for to keep."

"Him? Who is he?"

"He was different from his brothers and our parents. He cared for me."

"I will ask again. Who is he?"

"I don't care for my other memories...Just don't let me forget about my Onii-chan Kenzo. He promised that tomorrow is going to be a good day."

The end of the tape.

The black haired doctor fell on his knees. He was in utter shock as he whispered his sister's name. The past-

It caught him.

It caught him so unprepared that for a moment it felt like everything was possible. The Earth could be flat for all he knew.

A lie! Everything was just a huge lie! His sister was alive! Alive!

Tears started sliding down his cheeks. utter shock taking every inch of his body. Johan-

The monster knew about his sister-

And Kenzo Tenma knew damn well that the monster could not be good news for her.

The poor doctor had to find the monster as soon as possible. He had yet to save another life he just found about.

A life that felt more precious to him than anything else at the moment.

To be continued :D 

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