Chapter 14

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                                             Your P.O.V.

"This part of Munich is so beautiful..." you trailed off, your eyes travelling from one fascinating building to another. All the lights were on, expressing their beauty even more to the people around. Although it was quite late, many people were still outside, talking and laughing with the ones they were walking with.

"Oh, Johan, look at that fountain! It looks so amazing!" you said with an almost child-alike excitement. Approaching it just enough so the water would not touch you, you let out a small gasp at the illuminating object and your reflection on the water that was sliding down to the ground.

                                   Johan's P.O.V.

Slowly, I approached _______, and let out a small chuckle at her silly behaviour. It was like she unlashed her inner child. The child which probably had never a chance to live.

I looked at the object as well but failed to see why was she so excited about. But then again, I'd never been able to see anything intriguing in the objects like other people. Basically, it was just some water, one object, and the lights.


I found the young woman to be to so different from me but similar in so many ways. Our unspoken connection, and that unexplainable attachment to each other...and the fact that she was so easily able to understand the world like me with so little information was intriguing. I knew it was dangerous, she was excel in reading, and understanding other people and world around her but not for once had I thought she would be able to understand me as well.

The whole situation with ______ surprised me. I'd never considered that I would get so attached to someone, let alone Dr. Tenma's only sister.

Talk about odd events.

I did not know how it happened. It simply happened without my permission.

Until recently, I genuinely thought Anna was the only person I needed in the world, my other half, and that's that. That would be enough. It had always been enough.

Dr.Tenma was the only other person I held a decent amount of respect for. The man saved my life, after all. It made Dr.Tenma to be like a father to me, and that's the reason I had let him survive that night when I executed Junkers. Bringing ______ to her brother would be my gift to him. Well, that was my first intention.

Now, I wanted her for myself. It was selfish but I couldn't care less. Caring was Dr.Tenma's job.

I wanted to keep _______ with me, next to me, hidden from the world till the very end...

Ah, the end. My destination, my perfect suicide...

I looked to left side.

And then, there was she. A fragile human being with a strong hold of hope for so-called better tomorrow which I assumed her brother had taught her. She was very intelligent, beautiful, no one could deny that but how could she be so pure, so kind, so full of hope even though she understood the ugliness of this world, when she experienced it first hand? Even though she saw the end?

Was that why she make me feel this pang of satisfaction, of connection, of acceptableness, of completeness when she was there? Because we were complete opposite yet so alike?

Even in my last dream, in which our bodies had explored each other and we became one, they fitted perfectly even though they were two different worlds, and my mind was completely unaware of everything else. Never had I thought that I would have had a dream like that...

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