Chapter 4

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The first day of your practicing with the blonde.

After you finished with the lectures, you came back home as soon as possible. None of the professors had given any homework or reports to finish due the next day, which you were really grateful of. Once when you finished your lunch and cleaned the dishes, you went straight into your bedroom to decide what to wear during the tutoring session.

It was weird, though.

You knew very well that that was certainly not a date but you still wanted to make yourself look like at least a bit attractive in front of the certain blonde.

Johan...such a nice name.

It had surprised you a lot when he cried a day ago after you finished telling him your story. At least, the parts which you could remember. He didn't answer at your question though but continued paying his attention on the kids as if nothing had happened. The only thing he'd done was wiping his tears away.

Maybe he is just really emotional...

You doubted that though. Johan could be anything but he certainly did not seem like a guy who would cry after listening to a story.

Perhaps your story reminded him of a bad memory?

You didn't know anything about him, so you couldn't really be sure of it either.

You sighed, picking one of the elegant but comfy black jeans and a light blue sweater. It was sunny but it wasn't warm.


Remembering the address which Johan had told you a few days ago, you followed the instructions carefully, eyeing the unfamiliar neighborhood. As soon as you spotted the building, you entered it and looked around curiously. Ignoring the eyes of the unfamiliar people. You went to the second floor, searching for Johan's room.

"There it is." you told yourself as you approached the door of his room. You raised your right hand in attempt to knock, feeling a bit nervous all of the sudden. Sighing deeply, you knocked on the man's door, waiting for an answer or-

The knob twisted around and the door was opened. You slightly waved to the blonde who seemed to wear different outfit this time. He had a light blue sweater on, no turtleneck this time, revealing the neck skin of his perfect body.

"You come on time." he spoke, a small smile playing on his lips. Your eyes widened for a second but then you chuckled and nodded.

"I guess. I just hope I am not bothering you too much with this." Your voice was lighting and soft but it had a serious mode as well.

"Oh, not at all, my dear. Please, come in." Johan opened the door fully, letting you inside his room. You took off your shoes and placed them near the door. You went inside the room and looked around.


His room was clean and it didn't seem as if there was a lot his things inside. Sure, some of the books were on the table and bookshelves but...

The whole room gave you a feeling as if a human being wasn't living there at all. It was so clean, so neat...There weren't any clothes around, any packs of his favourite snacks, any posters of his favourite bands...

Perhaps he cleaned it since he knew I was coming.

"Would you like to take off your coat? It's warm inside." he spoke smoothly, receiving a small nod from you. He helped you take off your coat off, at which you smiled and thanked him. "Your German is quite good for a foreigner. I would go that far and say you're fluent in German. It reminds me of someone."

In Love With a Monster (Johan Liebert x reader)Where stories live. Discover now