Chapter 6

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"No! No! No! Don't tell me I lost it!" you frantically searched through the last drawer in your apartment. The clothes was on the floor, drawers pulled out...your whole apartment was in the whole mess yet you couldn't find the necklace which you had been searching for.

Ever since you had gotten inside your apartment, you were searching for the necklace which, in your opinion, could help you find something, anything from your past. Of course, you searched inside the pockets of your first but, unfortunately, the necklace wasn't there. At first you thought it could be in your some of your coats but after searching through every coat piece of clothes which you had, you couldn't find it.

"I can't believe I lost it! I am such an idiot..." you couldn't help yourself but slightly teared up in frustration, sadness and sudden feeling of loneliness.

"You idiot! You broke that expensive vase! I knew you were nothing but a drunken mistake!"

Your eyes slightly widened in fear and confusion.

Someone told me that before...Drunken mistake? Could it be my real parents?

A wave of unsteadiness washed over you as you wrapped your around yourself "What if I know something and it's better for me to not find those stuff? I've had enough with that orphanage already..."

Maybe my this loss of that necklace is some kind of a sign not to search my past any further...



Your eyes landed on the calender, more specifically on the day which was circled.

Saturday...I should meet with Johan for tutoring...

Since every atom inside your body screamed for you to stay in the bed and rest, you knew that there was no way you could show up to Johan in that state. Of course, you couldn't just ditch him either because you knew that Johan was expecting you today in his apartment in the same time.

I need to let him that I won't coming today.

You let out an exhausted sigh and sat up in your bed, your mind trying to focus on the small goal.

Why didn't I place the telephone on the nigh table instead of that far away?!

You slightly slapped your cheeks, trying to concentrate on standing up and getting to the phone which was on the other side of the room. As soon as you collected your thoughts as much as possible, you raised from your bed, your bare feet touching the cold wooden floor, making small but firm steps.

You approached the telephone, your hands immediately landing on the table to support yourself.

Just one phone call, that's all I need to do...C'mon pull up yourself together _____! This is just a fever!

Considering the fact that you didn't feel stable, you decided to sit on the sofa and placed the telephone on your lap. You dialed the right number, hoping that Johan would be at his home at the moment.

Soon after, the familiar voice answered "Hello."

"J-Johan..." Another cough "______ here. Listen, I am not feeling really well. I don't think I would be able to come today for tutoring. Sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I hope you will get better soon. Did you call a doctor or anyone to come and take care of you?" his voice was gentle and sounded concerned yet you could swear there was something utterly wrong with the way he had asked you about the last question. It was so perfect yet so fake and wrong in the same time. As if there was a hidden motive behind the perfectness which was showing to the world. After all, as one the best students of your major, you knew the truth behind world's best sociopaths and psychopaths-

I'm probably going just being paranoid over every nice guy because I am majoring Criminal Psychology...

"No..." you coughed again, feeling a dizzy spell once again "I'll be fine." You sent your 'bye' to him and hung up before he had a chance to answer or say anything. You placed the telephone back on the table and leaned comfortable on the sofa, closing your eyes in exhaustedness.

At this rate, I won't be able to get tomorrow to read for Schuwald...

For the fair amount of time, you were on the sofa, your mind going from the unconsciousness to half-sleepy state, not bothering to think of anything.

That was until...

Knock. Knock.

Your eyes slightly opened, your mind trying to get the answer what was the noise.

Knock. Knock.

Someone is on the door...Who would bother to come here?

Knock. Knock.

Well shit...I am not into a mood to talk with anyone...

Slowly, you lift up yourself and went to the door. Not bothering to ask or anything, you unlocked the door, your mind being dizzy once again. You looked at the person with your eyes half closed, trying to get your picture clean at the figure in front of you.

"________, you didn't sound well on the phone so I thought I should come here and take care of you."

No, please...Anyone but him...just not him...

"J-Johan?" you spoke before your mind became black and your body lost balance.

No one's P.O.V.

The girl lost her balance as soon as she spoke the male's name. The blonde guy caught her before she fell, taking a closer look at the female in his hands. She looked fragile. It could be so easy to erase the girl's existence from the world if he wanted to do that at that moment.

But he didn't.

That wasn't according to his plan.

The blonde guy took her in bridal style, placing her gently on the bed. The girl was only in which was barely covering her breast and upper thighs. Johan wasn't interested in something like that but he did take a better look at her body than every women he had ever seen in her life. He covered her with a blanket, placed a cold rag on her forehead and decided to go in the kitchen to make her some soup.

After all, he needed her to be alive and healthy until the very end. Until his dearest doctor pull the trigger and end his misery. A smirk took over his face as he took out the from the pocket of his coat. Indeed, he had been right all along. The girl was related to his no other but Kenzo Tenma. And to find that out had taken him nothing more than a few secret analyses of the japanese necklace which the girl had had in her coat. He didn't know the details but one thing was for sure.

______ L/N was actually ______ Tenma.

How odd. She was given the same name twice. Johan thought and started making the soup for the sister of his doctor. He let out a small chuckle. It looked like he was playing a doctor to the sister of his doctor. Of course he wasn't going to tell her anything because he wanted to see her struggle and find the answers on her own. After all, there were some answers of her past which only she held inside her forgotten memory. Plus, Johan wanted to know better of ______'s personality. After all, if she had managed to survive his massacre and continued on with her life, she must be something.

Would her personality match Kenzo's own? How would she react when she find about her past? How would she react when she find out that her own brother is on the run because of the only person which she had ever let in her life?

_______ Tenma, what an interesting human you are.

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