Chapter 23

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     Your P.O.V.

"Ah..." you let out a small moan as the man started leaving kisses down your neck, one of his hands perfectly intertwined with yours as his other hand slowly started sliding down your waist, caressing your naked body just in the right places to make your mind go crazy, and your body begging for more of his touch, "Johan..."

"Shh, just let me spoil you, my dear." the blonde said, his naked body perfectly pressed against yours as he slid deep into you, "The world belongs only to us right now, ________"


Slowly opening your eyes, you realized that everything was just a dream, and just a combination of your deepest desires for a certain man and a little nap you accidentally had token after unpacking your stuff. After all, the day was pretty long. You rubbed your eyes, your mind spinning from the erotic dream you just had a few seconds ago, your body still feeling hot because everything felt just so real, despite the fact that you knew it wasn't.

Oh boy...

A knock on your door, and a familiar voice brought you to realisation what actually had awaken you from your nap "________? Is everything alright? You're not answering." a hint of concern could be heard in his voice even though it was calm like usual "I'm coming in."

No, please. Don't go in right now.

You opened your mouth but no words came out because....what could possible you tell Johan why not to go inside your room after not answering for who knew how long? 'Oh, hey. I just a wet dream, and you were in.'

The door opened, and the blonde man walked in with his eyes widened just slightly "_______, are you alright? I've been knocking for a long time, you weren't answering. You got me worried."

Not being able to answer, you nodded, and moved a piece of hair from your face, doing any kind of mindless action to distract yourself from the sexual tension that was overwhelming your soul "Took a nap. Just a bit tired. That's all."

I'm sounding like an idiot!

"Oh, did I wake you up? I am terrible sorry," he said, and you knew he was probably giving you an apologetic smile but you couldn't, you just couldn't face him at the moment when the images from your dream were so fucking vivid. "Your face is red. Are you perhaps having a fever?"

Yes! A fever called wet dream! Now please, leave the damned room! You're just making things worse!

Before you could answer to him, the man sat on the bed next to you, and leaned his face to yours, pressing his forehead against yours without a word. His hands rose up to your cheeks to hold your head still.

It took you a whole minute to comprehend that closeness between your bodies was almost non-existent, and that the thing that was in way was only your (and his) clothes. His eyes were closed and his lips just slightly a gape, and you found yourself staring into them, remembering how you accidentally had tried their sweet taste that one time in the old building.

Am I still still sleeping?! Is this one of the times when you think you are awake but you're still sleeping?!

What's going on?!

"Hold still. I am trying to check your temperature." he spoke in almost hypnotic voice and the words didn't give him away, but you could swear he was enjoying in this, that he wanted to do this, and probably more stuff, that he was just being subtle, that he was doing that on purpose but in the same time, you knew you you didn't want to move, and that you wanted to stay close to him as much as possible, and-

"You're a bit warm. Perhaps I should call a doctor?" he slightly moved away, and looked at you with that same serene smile he wore so often on his face.

Yeah, a sex doctor so I can be in control of myself once again!

"I am fine. Just a bit hungry." you switched the subject, and faked a small smile as much as that was possible at the moment. You knew your thoughts were ridiculous, it wasn't like he knew what you had had a dream about.

He looked at the clock, and made a small nod, before looking back at you "Ah, yes. It is dinner time. But you see, my dear, I need to take care of some stuff so I am afraid I won't be able to join you on dinner."

"Oh, I see. It's fine." you looked at the soft blanket, pretending to look at the details of red and gold patterns that covered the soft fabric. A part of you was sad that the young man wouldn't dine with you but another part of knewthat you needed just a bit of alone time to collect your thoughts, and get a hold of yourself again.

"You're avoiding to look at me." he said suddenly, and let out a small sigh with just a hunch of sadness "Did I say something wrong? Or was it the way of repaying I told you about earlier making you feel uncomfortable around me?"

"What? No!" your gaze immediately fixated on him, and as soon as you saw that he once again had that distant look on his face, you felt guilty, because you didn't want to push Johan away, and you didn't want him to feel guilty about anything. Certainly not now that the two would share a place, and he was the only paying for everything.

He raised one of his eyebrows at you, both of you knowing that what you had said was a lie but you knew that you couldn't tell him the truth either. It just happened that he came in your room in a very awkward time that only you knew about.

"If you're planning on lying to me, you certainly can do better than that. I don't recall doing anything to you that would make me look like a bad guy."

"Johan..." the guilt started twitching in your soul as you bit your bottom lip.

He stood up from the bad "And you looked rather revealed for me not being able to join you for dinner."

"No!" you raised your voice slightly, and immediately stood up, looking straight into his blue oceans "Look, it's not you. It's me! I am the bad guy in this situation! I just..."

How am I supposed to explain myself now?! And how the Hell did we come to this type of conversation?!

"Your body language made it obvious that what I said was inappropriate. You tensed at my touch when I was checking your body temperature as well. Don't worry, I will not be bothering you anymore." a pang of sorrowfulness could be heard in his voice, and you clenched your fist in helplessness of how easily you were losing the bond you shared with Johan just because you couldn't find the right words, just because you were only repeating no like a broken record.

"That could explain the reason why you hesitated to live with me." he said in voice that sounded almost like a whisper, as his eyes averted to you in just slightly narrowed motion, cold yet gloomy cloud surrounding them.

His words hit your soul like a brick, as you opened your mouth just slightly, remembering how just mere hours ago, you were happily chatting with them, and now everything felt so distant.

"Am I wrong?"

Tears started threatening to slide down your cheeks, and you fond your body moving on its own, without your permission, approaching him just so the psychical distance between you and him was almost non-existent once again "For someone so intelligent, you're acting like an idiot right now."

With that, you cupped his cheeks, closed your eyes, and pressed your lips on his.

A/N: Guys, guys, guys, you legit have no idea for how long I wanted to write down this chapter (*≧?≦*)

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