Chapter 32

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                    Your P.O.V.

It would be a huge understatement saying that you had a headache as soon as your conscious got back.

Oh, boy. No.

Your head was throbbing so hard, pressure coming nearly from the every inch of your head, and you actually thought that you might have a stroke, or maybe die very soon. Though death seemed as a great escape from the brutal pain you were in.

"Ah, you're awake." The young nurse said, a small smile plastered on her face as she continued "Your blood was taken but we believe you fall unconscious due to sudden shook. At least, that seemed to be the conclusion after doctors listened to your lover." Noticing the pain you were in, she placed two pills in front of you on a very tiny plate, as she held a glass of water in front of you "Painkillers. I assume you have a horrible headache right now."

You slightly nodded, and immediately swallowed the medicine though they didn't kick in right in. Looking around, you realized you were in a hospital. A very neat and nice looking one as well. You still hated the smell of the place, and all the damn whiteness of it.

Letting out a deep sigh, you laid down once again, memories of your past still very fresh in your mind as if they were right in front of you. It was not only memories, but the solitude, the pain, the abandonment, everything that could crush even an adult person let alone a child-

Onii-chan, please forgive me...

"Is everything alright? Why are you are crying, Miss L/N?"

You quickly wiped a few tears that slid down your cheeks "Yeah....I'm not L/N. My _______. _________ Tenma."

"Ah, my mistake." She quickly fixed something on the folder she was holding "I must go now."

Before she turned around, you asked "When am I going to be released?"

"You seem to be stable, but we would still like to keep you in here tonight. Just in case."

You made a small nod even though you were not pleased with the answer.


Lying in hospital bed attached to the IV felt like eternity even though you were lucky enough to have a small TV in the bedroom. The nurse was kind enough to turn it on but the whole atmosphere of it still made you feel like you were in a cage.

A knock interrupted your thoughts but you were glad that you would have a company of the young nurse instead of the solitude that was drawing you crazy. Even if it were for a few minutes.

But the nurse wouldn't knock...

"Come in," you said, and raised up your body to the sitting position on the bed since the headache almost completely had vanished. As soon as the door opened, you saw the familiar blonde with the same serene smile on his face "Johan!"

He closed the door after him, and approached your bed, sitting on the chair that was next to it "How are you feeling, my dear?"

"I had better days..." a small saddened smile made its way on your face "but I am glad you're here."

And you really were pleased that he showed up. As lonely as you felt at the moment, Johan was still someone who could you always count on. He was your lover, after all, and the mental connection you two felt was undoubtedly something you needed from him the most at the moment.

"Did you remember?" his voice was just a bit above the whisper as he asked it, and you immediately knew what he was referring at.

"Tenma." You said, and tears started threatening to slide down your cheeks as you looked at him "My name is _________ Tenma. I-I have an older brother, Johan! He is my family!"

His expression didn't change at all but rather completely focused on you "So, the man you talked that day-"

You interrupted him "My older brother! I talked to my brother! And I-...." you let a sob "I didn't recognize him!"

"He didn't recognize you either," he said and leaned in the chair, his eyes slightly narrowed at you.

"The last time we saw each other I was only eleven...twelve the most. I don't blame him at all. He told me everything about his sister that day...about me. And I failed to see that."

As if on cue, the news started and a picture of your brother appeared on the screen. You bit your bottom lip as your hands clutched the blanket that was over your legs, anger started raising in you at the accusations that the woman on the TV said "He...Onii-chan is innocent. I swear he is innocent!"

"Hmm? How can you be so sure?"

You looked at Johan with your eyes narrowed, and spit out the words with a trace of fury in your voice "He would never do something like that! Kenzo is innocent. He is the kindest and the most pure person on his world..." Though sadness seemed to battle inside you as well "He is nothing like me. He is not broken like me. He believes every life is equal, and I will do anything to prove his innocence."

Your eyes widened slightly as you continued talking, the realization slowly clearing your mind, and the puzzle finally started to solve itself "That day he told he had something to finish. He needs to put an end on something..." you shook your head "Someone."

"He is going to murder someone." Johan said, and stood up, making his way to the window, looking at the outside world with that same distant look.

As much as that word sounded ugly, you made a small nod, and bowed your head.

The time seemed to slow as you let out a deep sigh, an inhuman idea started escalating in your mind.


You could feel Johan's piercing gaze on you this time but you had no time to think of anything else at the moment "I will not let that monster to take a piece of humanity from him. I...." your eyes narrowed, and you could feel furious growing inside, your voice getting louder each moment "I hate the monster who has done this to my brother!" your gaze moved to the blonde, looking at him with darkened expression "I will end this for him!!"


Johan blinked, and his lips parted for a moment but he closed them very soon, not saying a single word. It was as though he knew something of a huge importance but decided not to talk about it at that time.

Your eyes widened ever so slightly at the realization of your words, and the fact that you just yelled at the only man who had nothing to do with this, and stood with you even in this ugly moment "I-I am sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."

He approached you in a slow motion, and cupped your cheeks with his soft hands, your eyes meeting his. Once again, the world immediately seemed like a better place.

"I don't doubt your skills, my dear." For a tiny second you thought he said with a bit of mocking though you quickly dismissed that thought "But you do realize there is only one way to do that, right?"

I have to kill someone.

His blue oceans were completely focused on your as your lip quiver just a little bit "That's at least I can do from me to him. My brother...would never be able to pull the trigger at anyone....but I am not him. I know now...what my goal is."

The same serene smile that was so his crossed his beautiful face as one his thumb caressed your cheek gently "Care to tell me your story, ______?"

To be continued~

A/N: Again, thank you guys for an amazing support on this! ^__^

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