Chapter 2

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No, no, no! I can't be late!

You were running towards cafeteria near your University, the place which Johan had decided it would be the best for the two of you to meet, your foot skillfully avoiding the pools which had been made by rain the night before. You might had been on time in the cafeteria if your professor wouldn't have needed to keep your class longer for the lecture.

Rushing inside the cafeteria as if it was the end of the world and the place itself was the only safe place to hide, you let out a deep sigh, trying to catch your breath as your left hand carefully closed the door after you.

And then the realization hit you like a brick.

You had no clue how Johan looked like.

I am an idiot...

You looked up, looking inside the small cafeteria for anyone who could possibily be him. There weren't many people inside, most probably because it was a Monday and it was that time of day where only some of the college students might be free. You ignored the faces of old people and focused at searching the young man.

You spotted one black haired young man, which in your opinion could be your age. However, he was sitting across the blonde girl who was happily chatting with him. They seemed to be on a date.

After a few moments of walking around and searching for Johan, your eyes spotted the very attractive young blonde man sitting in the corner. His eyes were focused on the world outside and he seemed as if he was in his own little world. His eyes were crystal blue yet they seemed as if they contained a storm in them. He was wearing a purple-ish turtleneck and a brown coat. His skin was pale but it fitted him perfectly.

As if he was able to feel your gaze, he turned around and looked at you. The smile from his face never faded. Your mouth slight opened but no words came out.

What's wrong with me?! C'mon, I can't possibly like a stranger! Heck, I am not even sure is he the Johan I am looking for!

You approached to his table just in a moment when he stood up. You took the opportunity to look at him better. No prince charming could compare to him.

He is handsome...

"Um..." was the only thing that left your mouth.

He took your hand in his and placed a small kiss upon it. You thought the place on your hand which he kissed was burning as your heart started beating faster. His feature straightened as he looked at you, his smile never fading away "The professor seemed to keep you longer than usual. You needn't have run, _____. I would be waiting for you either way. My name is Johan but I believe there is no need for introduction."

"Yeah...I am very sorry for that. I thought I would be able to come in time." you slightly bowed to him.

"That's quite alright. Everyone is late sometimes. I personally know someone who is always late." He walked behind you and held the chair for you. A small blush crept upon your cheeks as you sat down. A few seconds later, he sat across you, bringing his glass closer to his lips "Oh, how rude of me. Care something to drink?"

You smiled and moved a piece of your hair behind your ear "It's fine. ", looking at the waitress, you ordered a cocoa which the waitress brought a few minutes later. A small smile appeared on your face as you cupped the mug with your hands "I have a habit of drinking cocoa once a week..."

There was a small pause but you were sure he was thinking of something. You didn't dare to look his eyes.

"Is there any reason for that?"

You shook your head although you knew you were lying both of you. Bringing the cocoa to your mouth, you took a small sip of the hot liquid and placed a mug back on the table. "In any case, I wouldn't like to waste your time..."

The corner of his lips slightly moved upwards "Nonsense. It is me who is wasting your time by calling you here. A nice young lady such as you must have someone who would rather spend her time with."

You blinked and let out a small forced chuckle "I don't have someone like that. I am rather lonely person in this chaotic world..."

The words which you chose to say surprised him. The young man seemed interested so he simply nodded as his eyes stared into you, examining your body language.

"Strange...I feel like I can tell you anything although we've just met."

That sounds like I am flirting with him!

You quickly shook your hands in front of yourself in defense "Forget what I said earlier. We've met to talk about your tutoring.", letting out a small sigh "After all, I really need that job."

"Which days suit you the best?" Johan asked, his gaze meeting yours "Having such a busy life, at least you deserve to choose what time suits you the best."

"Thank you. I really appreatiate that..." for a moment, you looked at the window, thinking of your schedule for college "Wednesday after 5 PM and Saturday after 6 PM."

He nodded, his smile slightly widen "I see. How about Wednesday and Saturday at 7 PM at my place? I would suggest library but I don't want anyone to interrupt us while working."

His place...

He didn't seem like a dangerous person, though. And he was the one who had impressed Schuwald.

After receiving a positive answer from you, the charismatic man explained you where he was living.

When Johan finished his drink, he looked at his watch "I am very sorry for leaving you like this but there is something important I have to care off.". He placed money on the table and stood up. He fixed his coat although you didn't seem to notice why since it looked perfect.

"It's alright. I understand that being on college means a lot of assignments and other stuff." Noticing the enough amount of money for the both of your drinks, you spoke again "I will pay you back next time."

The corners of his lips moved upward slightly "There is no need for that, my dear."

You slightly blushed at the name he had called you. "Thank you, Johan."

"I must go now. I am looking forward for our next meeting." He spoke as he placed his hands behind his back and left the cafeteria.

I am looking forward that as well... 

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