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Guys I'll be going on a kinda hiatus on Wattpad to sort out my personal life first. Also for the following reasons below:

I don't want to keep you in your toes for too long when I simply can't manage this blog. It's not fair on you guys expecting something and you wait a long time and nothing happens. Also, I want to have a break from not enjoying MLB episodes properly because of trying to constantly analyse every single thing I watch in the episodes.

So I'm going to sit back and relax and sort things out in my life. And the personal things? Stuff like I'm falling behind on my piano performing certificate work, I need to get my last violin and do more of it and sort out my social life, which I don't really want to say on here, but let's just say part of it is to do with when I wrote on my profile 'I take the word 'group' out of 'group work'. I'm also taking two new languages that I want to focus on, so three in total. As well as that, I would like to improve my mental being.

When I said I'll be going in a kinda hiatus which doesn't really make sense, I mean I'll be taking a break, but I still may post occasional updates and chat to others.

I'll still be here! If there are any major updates, I may still post them.

Artsy x

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