Chapter 47

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We walk away from the building we were on and go through the street that all of the Shadow Creatures attacked on. We make it to the bar that our dragons camped out in and round them all up on the ruined street. 

"Okay, so we'll need some kind of story about what we did, because I think that we'll still need to lay low about this and our elements," Nick suggests, stroking Shadow's back. 

"Good idea. Should we stick to the glass store explosion?" I ask them, bringing up what Aaron said at his house. 

"Yeah. So say that we were at the sleepover and we decided to go down main street. We walked past the glass store down there," Adam begins, pointing down the street at the wreck of the glass store. "And it just exploded. Boom, just like that. Max hit the fire hydrant and broke his leg, etc., etc. Then the Shadows came out and started attacking us, so we went to Aaron's house and then went back to the glass store to check it out and saw that there was a battle going on, so we went and hid in the bar until the battle was over. Which twelve amazing young adults in wicked cool armor helped end." 

"Hmm. Story checks out. So now what?" Peter asks us hopping on his dragon's furry back. 

"We . . . head back home?" Joey decides, getting on Bolt. 

"Alright, let's do it," Aaron says, and we all get on our dragon and fly back to Joey's house. Once we get there, we hide our dragons behind the wreck of the tree house. 

"So . . . now what? We find our parents?" Felix asks.

"Yeah. Here, give me to Felix." Max tells me, so I let him drape is other arm over Felix, and I let go of his other arm.

After that we all head to our houses. I get to my house with Kat, and we head to our basement, where we find our other two sisters and our parents hiding in the closet. We tell them that they can come out and that the big robot is gone. We told them the cover story and they actually believe us, which is good.

After the rest of the X-Team unites with their family, and we find out that none of them were hurt, citizens began rebuilding the city. The X-Team chipped in because we caused some of the damage. We started with houses and living spaces, and schools, which we didn't have to go to for a long time after the Shadow Ruler's attack.

Right now, Felix, Max, Joey, and I are all going back to Dragon Valley for the first time after the attack.

"Hector!" Joey exclaims, running up to the dragon. Hector is now bigger than all of our dragons. He's now full grown. I turn from Joey and see Felix standing by Max, who got real crutches and a real cast.

I walk up to them. I see the body of a dragon wrapped in a blanket, laying on the ground.

"So where do you want him? In the snow?" Felix asks his brother.

"Yeah. He liked it there," Max tells him, his voice breaking. We haul Frosty onto Hector and we get into our dragons. Max rides with Felix. We fly all of the way to the Snow Kingdom and we stop at a deserted area of it. About the surface area of a house, the frozen wasteland has nothing in it. We all head up to a tree and Felix, Max, Joey and I begin to dig, creating a grave. By now, Max is sobbing, and even I'm trying to hold back tears. We finish digging and Max sits down and lifts Frosty into the grave. We bury him back up and Max opens his backpack. He pulls out a gravestone that Adam made with him the day before. He sets it over the grave and I read it one last time.

Here lies Frosty of the Snow Dragons

A good friend and a dragon that will always be remembered.


Thank you

We all stand there for a while, just standing there and watching the grave.

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