Chapter 38

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Max's fist, slightly blazing with snow flakes, connects with the Shadow Ruler's face. He falls backwards through the air and skids into the ground. Midnight releases a blast of darkness from his mouth and it slams into Max. He stumbles backwards as if he was being hit by an enormous blast of wind. He takes struggling steps forward.

"Guys, let's help him," Nick suggests, looking back to us.

"Agreed," I nod to him. We all activate our armor and run out to the battlefield. The grass is a lot shorter here. It's about midnight now, and it's pitch black out.

"We're coming Max!" Adam shouts out. Aaron runs up to the darkness coming from Midnight's mouth. He generates a blast of Tech and shoots it at the darkness. This causes some kind of elemental reaction and all of the powers implode and stop.

In the background, The Shadow Ruler gets back up and sneaks up on us.

"Guys!" I shout, pointing to him. I'm apparently the only one who spots him.

"What?" Peter shouts turning to me. The Shadow Ruler blasts all of us with shadows and we all fall backwards and hit the ground. He walks up to us and clicks a button on his arm, causing his arm itself to transform into a blaster. He shoots it at Adam and without the blast stopping, he hits all of us with it.

Suddenly, red, electrical chains wrap around our bodies, preventing us from getting up. As We struggle, the Shadow Ruler grabs a dial on his arm-blaster and moves it over two sections. He blasts us all with it and The orbs come out of us again. But . . . somehow, I don't feel like I've lost my soul this time.

The orbs zoom to the blaster on the Shadow Ruler's arm. They get collected in some tank on his back.

"Now, with all twelve elements that the prophecy calls for, I can create the ultra weapon," the Shadow Ruler informs us. He clicks another button on his arm and a light in the tank in his back flashes red twice, and then green. His body begins to grow and grow, getting bigger and bigger. His body gets coated in armor and soon, he's practically as tall as a sky scraper.

"Ladies and gents," booms his voice over some kind of huge speaker. "Armageddon has come."

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