Chapter 31

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"I'm hungry," I state, sitting up in Aaron's bed.

"Yeah, same," Nick agrees with me, sitting up. We were laying on Aaron's bed while the rest of the X-Team sat or layed somewhere else around the room. It's about 7:00 in the morning.

"Ditto. What else have you got in your fridge?" Joey asks Aaron. He spins around in his chair and sighs.

"Uh, let's see. I don't know. I'm not upstairs and in my fridge currently," Aaron tells Joey, resting his arms on the arm rests of his chair.

"Well we should go check. The last thing I ate was a corn dog a few hours ago," Adam states, standing up from his chair.

"Let's go," Peter suggests, walking out of the room. We all follow, heading back up the stairs and into the kitchen. Aaron opens the fridge and looks around inside.

"We have some week old spaghetti, a yogurt cup, a while bucket load of ramen noodles, and uh . . . that's about it," Aaron tells us, standing back up.

"Well then let's eat the ramen if you have so much of it," Max suggests, shifting on his new crutches.

"Okay," Aaron shrugs and pulls out a crate of little ramen noodle cups. He takes out twelve cups and microwaves them, handing them out to everyone as they finish in the microwave. When he's done, he walks to a drawer and gets out eleven forks. He left one out because Felix has already gobbled up all of it without silverware.

We finish eating and throw away the cups.

"Want to, like, train or something?" Joey asks us when everyone has finished eating and thrown away their cup.

"Sure. Where? Joey's parents can see it," Skylor states, bringing up a good point.

"My backyard is a pretty good size. And his parents are probably still still asleep, along with his siblings," Aaron tells us, standing up from his chair at the table.

"Sweet! I'm gonna mop the floor with you!" Adam exclaims, running to the glass back door.

"Not if you can catch me first!" Joey shouts, bolting ahead of him.

Once we're all outside, I suggest that we have an elemental battle.

"Brilliant!" Kat exclaims, punching the air.

"I'll set it up," Aaron says, grabbing a notebook and a pen and sitting down at a bench. "I'll help," Adam says, following him.

"What should I do?" Peter asks, trying to be helpful.

"You and I can set up the boundaries," Max tells him, grabbing some jump ropes from the shed.

"And the rest of us can sit back and chill," I say, leaning on a pillar.

"Radical, bro," Joey says in his gnarly surfer dude voice.

When everyone's done, Aaron explains how the matches will work. The first match is Aaron against Peter. The two stand about ten feet apart and the rest of us take shelter under the balcony.

"Let 'er rip!" Adam shouts, blowing an air horn. I have no clue where he got it from.

Immediately, Peter blows a blast of air at Aaron's feet, and Aaron flies over the fence, landing with a crash on the sidewalk. We all run out the gate to help him.

"Ow," he groans, sitting up.

"You okay, bro?" Adam asks him, helping him off of the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he responds, rubbing the back of his head as he stands.

"Whoa, there are rainbows on the ground!" Joey exclaims, staring out into the street.

"Wicked!" Felix shouts, staring at the street with Joey.

"That's not how rainbows work," Sarah tells them.

"That's a gas leak, numbskulls," Aaron tells Joey and Felix.

"Someone just needs to fix their car," I tell them, bringing some logic into the conversation. Aaron walks up the the spill on the side of the road. He crouches down by it, inspecting it. He leans to the right, then to the left. He drags a finger through it and licks it.

"Oh my God," Skylor groans. "I don't know how I became friends with him."

"C'mon, guys, let's get back to the battle!" Zoey beckons us back into the backyard. Everyone heads back to the backyard, me holding up the back of the group.

Suddenly, I feel something slam into the side of my head. It feels like a truck. I black out, and fall to the ground.

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