Chapter 37

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We get to the rock and the inside is pretty big. It's dark inside, so the Three of us (Felix, Max, and I) rest in the entrance. Zipper, Frosty and Sonic all walk into the cave.

"What are you going?" I ask them in Dragon.

"To the water back here," Zipper tells me and he opens his mouth. A burst of fire rockets out and lights the cave for a few seconds. I can see a small pond in the back corner. Next to it is a pile of dry wood. The fire in the air puts itself out and I stand up I walk over to the darkened wood pile and grab an arm full. I walk to the middle of the cave and set them down in a campfire pattern. I light them on fire and walk back to Max and Felix.

"Cool. Light," Felix says, looking at the fire I made. 

Then, the rest of the X-Team walks inside the cave.

"Hey," Nick waves to us.

"Hey," Max responds, repeating what Nick said.

"Oh, good. You already have a fire going," Adam states, walking up to it. The rest of the X-Team does the same and I walk over to Max. I help him up and carry him over to the fire. He sits down by Sarah and Aaron.

Joey yawns loudly.

"I'm gonna hit the hay," he notifies us, laying down with his arms behind his head.

"There is no hay to hit in this cave," Aaron tells Joey and I try and hold back a chuckle. Frosty, Cobalt and Bolt head outside and begin to chase each other around. They continue with it for about seven minutes, and suddenly, Frosty stops. He looks up at the sky. He stands on his hind legs, growling at something.

"What's up buddy?" Max asks Frosty, turning around to look at him.

Out of the blue, a jet black spear comes swirling toward him, and for me, everything goes in slow motion. The spear is going extremely fast, and the look on Frosty's face is full of terror. He knows that the spear is heading towards him, and he also knows that there is nothing that he can do about it.

The spear hits Frosty in the chest and the dragon falls backwards, dying. He hits the ground with a thump.

"FROSTY!" Max shouts at the top of his lungs and struggles to stand

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"FROSTY!" Max shouts at the top of his lungs and struggles to stand. He limps to the dying dragon and lays down next to him. He holds the dragon and they both start to cry.

"I-I'm sorry," Frosty wimpers in pain. He squeezes his eyes shut.

"No," Max mutters, sobbing. The dragon opens his eyes and takes one last breath and all of his body goes limp. His eyes stare off into the dark night sky. Neon blue dragon blood seeps out onto the ground.

The two lay together in silence. The Shadow Ruler zooms into view and lands on the ground. He's riding a midnight black dragon with lime green underscales. His eyes have no pupils and are all the green color.

"Good boy, Midnight," the Shadow Ruler slides off of Midnights back.

Max stands up. He's looking down at Frosty's limp body. He sniffles and tears stream down his face and tee shirt. He wipes them off and turns and faces the Shadow Ruler. Max takes a deep breath and says,

"We've lost one good man today, and we won't lose any more. There's no reason for any of this. You'll pay for what you've done, and you will be sorry. This is in the name of Frosty of the Snow Dragons." Max slaps his watch and his body gets coated in his armor. There is something different with his armor. His broken leg has some kind of super boot that's keeping him up on both feet.

"You'll die for this," Max mutters, and uses his super speed to shoot at him, his fist preparing to punch

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"You'll die for this," Max mutters, and uses his super speed to shoot at him, his fist preparing to punch.

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