Chapter 20

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We all stand silently, watching the ground where Nick teleported from.

"Where do you think he went?" I ask quietly, looking up to the others. We have no clue, and if anyone does, they might want to speak up.

"I have no clue," Joey muttered.

"Commencing capture and containment of the X-Team," One of the Generals suddenly declare, pulling out blasters and aiming for us.

"We have to get out and find Nick," Adam states, and picks up Aaron. I light my hands on fire and stay back to hold off the guards. I throw punches at them, and eventually leap out of the doorway with everyone else, skidding to a stop and slamming into the wall with my shoulder.

"Come on!" Max shouts, and we all race down the hall, lasers hitting the floor and walls next to us. I run into a wall with my shoulder in order to make a sharp turn, and I continue running, hoping my armor can withstand the lasers.

"Ratchet!" I hear Felix exclaim. We scramble over top of each other to get out of the way, and Ratchet follows. He was resting in an empty room to our right, and when he heard us, he sprang into action. I notice a window and we all race to it.

"We have to jump!" Elliot declares, and I brace myself for impact. Adam, Elliot, Felix and I all smash into it at once, and the glass shatters, cutting all of us. We blast into the warm midday air and it feels refreshing for a second. That moment ends when I look down and see that we are at least a mile high.

Joey screams as we fall through the air at high speed.

"Can our suits help?" I shout over the rushing winds around me.

"Try something!" Elliot shouts at me. I examine my body for other buttons and only find one on the back of my neck protector that brings down my goggles.

"I've got nothing!" I shout back.

"What do you think this does?" Adam asks, pointing to a button on his belt. I shrug and find it on mine Joey presses it and a fabric type tissue expands from his waist to his elbows. I do the same and stretch out my arms. The air catches in them and acts as a parachute. I glide to the ground and end up rolling to a stop with the rest of the X-Team.

"That was terrifying," Max states, pressing the button again and closing the wings

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"That was terrifying," Max states, pressing the button again and closing the wings.

"What do you mean, that was amazing!" Felix exclaims, punching his fist in the air.

"They have dragons," I mutter, looking back to the window we broke out of. The Generals had jet black dragons and were flying towards us.

"What was that?" Adam asks me, adjusting Aaron over his shoulder.

"They have dragons," I say louder, pointing to them.

"We have to get out of here," Joey states, beginning to run. We all agree, running behind him. We run for a while until we find a house we can hide behind.

"Where do you think Nick went?" I ask after we know we're safe.

"What's a place he might have thought of?" Adam asks us.

"Dragon Valley?" Joey suggests, peeking around the edge of the house.

"We have to drop off Aaron. We still don't know what happened to him, and we can't risk him getting hurt anymore," Elliot states, looking at Aaron, who hasn't blinked or even reacted to anything going on. It's getting kind of creepy.

"How about his house? His parents probably aren't there," Max suggests, shrugging.

"You're right. But isn't his house really far from here? We'd be losing lots of time," Felix says.

"We'll split up," I say, standing higher. "Elliot, Max, and Adam can head to Aaron's house and secure him. Felix, Joey, and I can head to Dragon Valley to look for Nick, deal?" I ask everyone, and they agree. We all set out on our missions, Joey, Felix, and I all running to the outskirts of town.

"Good luck!" Joey calls back to the other group as we run. I look forward and think about what I'm getting into. We're facing off with an oversized alien that has some kind of issue with us. It might be because of our elements, but other than that, I have no clue. He has an element as well, so I don't know what he wants with ours. I guess the only way to find out is to meet him wherever he is with Nick. 

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