Alexei wasn't given a chance to defend himself, a teacher came by giving a five mintue warning that afternoon classes were to start. The group cleaned up from lunch and headed for the class.

Lynn's POV:

"I'm not over reacting right?" Kya asked as she skated by. "Alexei had no right to do that!" Rotating her body, Kya went into a Y spin.

After school, Kya ambushed me outside of class. Workout bag in hand, she insisted I accompany her to the ice ring. I had already planned to regardless, since I still had to complete the music for her competition. Just another added stressed.

"I think your right be angry. However," I hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to word my answer. "You know how Alexei can be. You could've heard him out instead of stomping off. I also think there's something else bothering you."

Kya stopped skating, "We've been friends way to long. You always seem to know wha'ts on my mind." Being best friends for over ten years has a way of allowing one to easily read the other. Kya sometimes complains that she has no privarcy, since I can read her like a book. She does appacorate not having to always explain what's bothering her. Likewise, I apparciate that Kya can sense when I've had an arugement with my father. She already knows what's wrong and how to cheer me up. I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything.

"Your still worried about Cam, aren't you?" I knew something had ben bothering her from the way she'd been staring at Cam all day. At breakfast, she barely ate, prefering to watch Cam. I'm sure it must have been trauma finding her cursh passed out. Not knowing what was wrong, she couldn't do much since we needed help on Lyoko. "Have to really discussed your worries with Cam? Obvously, your not uncomformable around him, since you do like him."

Kya's face went from pale to three different shades of red. "How does everyone know about that!?" Did she really need to ask? 

"Hello? Best friends for over ten years." I lightlly tapped her head. "It'd be weirder if I didn't know. Wait, who else knows?" I asked. "Unlike Mara, your not overly obovus about your crush."

"Alexei." She answered, not proud that Alexei knew this information. "He tricked me into revealing it one day when he was bugging me and Cam." She moaned, as she placed her face into her hands.

"Your screwed." There were no words of comfort I could give. Alexei would either tease Kya or say nothing. No one can prediect Alexei's whims. The only thing I could assure Kya of is that Alexei wouldn't tell Cam this information. Alexei does alot of things, but sharing sercets isn't one of them. "Alexei may or may not tease you about this. But he won't tell Cam."

Kya rolled her eyes, "Gee, that's real comforting."

"Don't change the subject." I patted Kya's head. "You need to discuss your concerns with Cam and speak with Alexei. I'm sure he...nevermind. I don't have anyway to defend what he did. But willing you hear him out? For me?" There are time when I'm the only person Kya will listen to. 

"Fine." Kya pouted. "I'll talk to Alexei tomorrow." 

We spent two more hours at the skating ringer, before Kya decleared she wanted food. Curfew wasn't until nine pm. So we diecded to have an early dinner in town. Kya used the time to share the newest lyrics she's created. This decreased some of my stress. Only one more day before my studio time.


Cam's POV:

"I'm beginning to reget this." What had I been thinking? Inviting Alexei to a movie night. The two of us haven't hung out for several weeks now. We've both been busy doing our own things and spending time with other people. Honsetly, neither one of us has made an effort to hang out. Sometimes I'm jealous of Lynn and Kya. Their both just as busy, yet still manage to hang out sevearl times a week. It helped that they both lived in the dorms. 

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