Chapter 8: the party

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Chapter 8: the party

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Chapter 8: the party

Liv leads me through the crowd of people, well less "leads" and more drags. I don't know if she knows her place around, but it definitely doesn't seem like it. I bump into a few people, hearing the "nice" things they have to say about me after that. All the body heat is already making me sweat, and the smell of alcohol invades my lungs like a disease.

Yeah, I definitely have to get out more.

"Liv. Liv, wait hold up." I stop and pull her arm towards me so she can hear me over the loud music. Which is a touch too loud, in my opinion.

"I'm gonna go get a drink!" I yell over the music pointing a thumb behind me. She nods and dances her way over to the crowd. She really is genuinely into this party. In college, I only went to a few. I just didn't really like all the sweat, all the people. You know body heat? But I'm only here for Liv. I want to make sure I'm on her good side, because one mistake and she could kick me to the curb just like that. But I feel like she's not a kind of person to do that. At least not on accident.

I make it over to the long table that holds all the drinks. I'm having a hangover just looking at all of them. But I'm pretty sure there are way more booze here than before we got to the house.

I begin pouring a solo cup filled with who knows what and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and I'm instantly met with the face of a girl. It isn't Liv though. She looks slimmer but not in a healthy way. And her skin is porcelain, her hair short raven black. She gives me a smirk and almost shoves her drink in my face.

"Could you fill this up for me?"

I nod and take the cup from her hand, filling it up with something random. I just want to give her her drink so she can leave. I hand it back to her and begin to leave but feel a hand grab my arm, pulling me back.

"Wait, hold on. I've never seen you here before. Are you new or something?" She steps closer to me and I kind of almost want to gag.

"Um well no. I'm just here with a friend."

She looks around the room. "Well, where is he?"

"She. And she's just over-" I look to where I saw Liv standing last and only see a few people dancing in a group. But she isn't there. When i don't say anything, the girl raises an eyebrow and looks back my way. Wow. Thanks Liv.

Liv 's pov:

I raise my third drink to my lips and chug the rest, feeling it burn my throat. So much for not drinking tonight. I don't even know where Will went. I'm sure there are already girls swooning over him.

I feel a slight buzz in my head and suddenly feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I expect it to be Will, but instead I look and see Daniel, who is looking at me with careful eyes. He's one of the top notch head of the frat house. A total player.

"Hey, Livie you look like need a little more fun tonight. Wanna dance?" He slurs. His face is so close to me I can smell the booze on his breath. I cringe and push him a little away.

"Um no thanks Daniel. I'd rather not get whatever you have." I roll my eyes and take a long chug of my drink. This sip tastes so disgusting for some odd reason. Maybe it's time to stop.

He smirks and leans close to my ear. "We don't have to dance, ya know. Come on."

He pulls my arm but I yank it away. "No thanks. I'm kind of busy doing better things. I don't really have a desire to be your booty call for the hour." I begin to walk away, but feel a hand grab my arm so hard it could probably leave bruises.

"Actually, I think you want to come with me right now. We're not going to have any problems now are we?"

What is this guy on?

I look at his hand on my arm, and start to feel light headed. I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out. It's like I know what I want to say, but the words are getting trapped in my throat.

Noticing my lack of expression, Daniel smirks and pulls me along the house and outside.  Something definitely isn't right. Sure, I'm drunk, but not so drunk that I shouldn't be able to move or talk. My mind is going more and more foggy, and my legs are starting to give out on me, as he leads me towards what I assume to be his car.

No no no. Is he going to drive? There's no way! I think IM more sober than he is. I try every thing in me to pull myself away from him but my feet give out underneath me, and Daniel sets me in the back of the car before I can hit the ground. All i can feel are the goosebumps rising to my skin in fear. This is not happening.

I lay in the back seat, hearing the car door open and close. Daniel fumbles to put the car keys in the ignition and turns to me in his seat.

"I'm going to make sure you get a chance at the time of your life." He smirks. I try to say something but it only comes out in a muffled groan. He begins to drive away leaving the party and Will behind.

 He begins to drive away leaving the party and Will behind

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Oof. Sorry about the cliffhanger haha. Don't get mad there's a good one coming up!

 Don't get mad there's a good one coming up!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Priceless Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang