Chapter 5: the reason

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Chapter 5: the reason

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Chapter 5: the reason

"Quit moving!"

I sigh in frustration. This woman. Liv insisted on cutting my hair and, that was a bad decision to say yes. But I have to admit, I haven't really noticed how long my hair has gotten. And wow. I look like a hibernating bear.

"Do you have any experience in cutting hair?"


"You're kidding me right?" I glare at her in the mirror as she snips another strand off letting it fall to the floor.

"Hey. Don't judge quite yet. If you want to even have a chance of getting a job, you need to clean yourself up."

I sigh and slump back onto the stool that she sat me down on. Liv stands behind me, and I can feel her fingers brush against the nape of my neck. I hold in a shiver.

"Sooo.. what did you even do to end up in jail?"

Ah the dreaded question.

"I was a medical student at Hartford U and got a little too physical with a guy at the bar. Turns out he was the superintendent of the hospital."

"Why'd you do that?"

I remember it like it was yesterday. The bar smelled like sweat and booze, the air thick and humid. I sat at the bar, on my second beer. It'd been a tough day at the hospital. It was always hard for first appearing interns, but today was especially hard.
  They let me scrub in for a complicated surgery. One of the hardest that I had had so far. The patient's blood pressure started to suddenly go down rapidly, so Doctor Bailey asked me to do the next step. But I blanked.

It would've been bad enough if I had blanked on a practice dummy, but it's unacceptable to blank on a real patient. A patient whose life was in your hands. And they were trusting you to take care of it.

I took too much time. So Bailey booted me out of the O.R.

I drank my sorrows away at the bar, and that's when he came in. All dressed up like he was going to the Oscars or something.

Everything else is a blur after that. It just ended with him on the ground and a broken nose. So I basically couldn't defend myself because i didn't even remember what he said to me.

"He ticked me off.. I don't know. I don't really remember. I was pretty drunk."

She raises her eyebrows.

"Okay! I was really drunk."

"Ah yes, I've been in that situation before.. if you haven't already noticed."

I laugh and shake my head. She smiles back and continues cutting my hair.

After about ten minutes, she finally turns me around in the stool to face the mirror.

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