Chapter 6 First date confession

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My anticipation grew as I sat in the recliner chair trying not to mess up my hair or my black dress. I finally stood up and walked to the bathroom to check everything one more final time. I stared at my face in the mirror, my hazel-ish bluish eyes sparkle with the little bit of mascara I put on my eyelashes when I was getting ready, my eyes popped more with the added eye shadow. My Light brown hair was as straight as ever, its naturally straight but I straightened it just in case. My big hands match my huge feet. I looked down at my feet and see the white flats that I was wearing; I didn't have any black ones that fit and I didn't want to wear flip flops because my toes were ugly. I straightened my dress over my big thighs and picked a couple hairs that I have shed off my stomach. I bent down to make sure I got all the hair off my legs while shaving, nope so I quickly grabbed the razor off the sink and ran it over the spot I missed. I gave my hair a quick pat down and straightened up my cover up. Then I heard 3 knocks at the front door. "I'll get it!" Paul yelled from the living room and I squealed, May get your shit together. I heard a voice coming from the door way.

"Hello sir, I'm here to take May on a date." So formal.

"Yea, come on in. Why don't you have a seat at the table?" I heard a chair get pulled out and someone flopped down in it, I suspected it was Luke.

"I'd like to formally introduce myself, I'm Luke."

"Paul." What are we in 1953? Come on people. "May!" Paul yelled from the table.

"Just a second." I looked in the mirror one more time and just as I was about to take a step out of the bathroom I noticed I forgot earrings. I slipped off my shoes and ran upstairs, which was right next to the bathroom and you can't see it from the kitchen because there was a little wall blocking it. I walked into the other bathroom where I kept all my personal belongings. I know right!? They gave me my own bathroom pretty much. I grabbed my little glass container full of earrings and pulled out my pink rose earrings that should match the hot pink belt I'm wearing with this simple black dress and slipped them in. I quickly run back downstairs in to the other bathroom and slipped my shoes on. I stopped for a second making sure I was not breathing heavily and walked slowly into the kitchen. I gave a nervous smile to Luke. "Hey." I said and looked at Paul and then to Olivia who must of recently came in the room from the living room.

"You look wonderful." Luke said and I grabbed my key necklace my dad bought me from South Carolina a couple years ago around my neck and smiled.

"Thank you." Olivia gave me a weird look and I gave an awkward laugh. "So are we ready to go?" I looked from Luke to Paul to Olivia.

"Just be back my 10-" I give Paul a look. "11." I nodded and walked towards the door.

"Thank you guys." Olivia smiled.

"You guys have fun." Luke stood up from the table.

"I'll have her back by 11, I promise. Thank you guys." he turned toward the door, me already ahead of him and he put his hand on my back. I felt chills go up and down my body. We walked out and Luke closed the door behind us. "I meant what I said in there, you look beautiful." I felt my cheeks turn red.

"You look very handsome yourself." I said admiring his nice jeans and a button up blue short sleeve shirt. A casual dress up thing he had going on.

"Thanks." He jogged a little to get ahead of me and opened the truck door. As he was jogging in front of me I got a good look at his bum. Very very nice. I walked in front of him and the opened door and grab the handle and pulled myself up, again feeling his strong arms at my sides and lifting me up. Damn it is hard to do this in a dress.

"Thanks." I said quietly a little embarrassed at the struggle. I watched him close my door, walk in front of the truck and got in to his side. I slipped the seat belt on over one of my boobs and buckled myself in. He did the same. "So," I started saying. "What are we gonna do?"

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