Chapter 26 The Accident

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Have you ever realized that high school relationships are rather complicated, and maybe a little bit mushier than they should be? I remember saying to myself that I never wanted that high school relationship, I wanted to wait till I was older; I honestly don't know why I just jumped right into a relationship once I moved, maybe it was because my dad died and I felt lost and alone or maybe it was because I always wanted a relationship deep down but instead of always being sad that no guy is ever going to look at me I just replaced those feelings with denial. These are my thoughts as I sit next to the guy who makes my day brighter just knowing that he's here and he loves me. He impresses me more and more throughout the days.

I blink out of my thoughts and realize that someone asked me a question. Tonight was the night that we are on the group date with Grace and Skit, Leo and Jocelyn, and Sadie and Riley. Luke starred at me as I tried to figure out what was just said and who said it. "Sorry what?" I said zoning back in to what was going on. I glanced around the table to see if I could tell who said what.

"I asked how you and Luke met." Sadie said giving me a weird but amused look.

"Oh, um well, it's kind of a weird story because it was just so random but I can tell it. I just moved into my uncle's house 4 days before and I decided I wanted to take Jake for a walk, Jake is my uncle's dog." They all nodded along to reassure me that they understood. "So I was walking and looking in amazement at all the houses that were around the neighborhood and all of a sudden Jake stopped. I tried to see what he was doing but he just looked at me, so I asked him what was the matter but all he did was sniff the ground so I told him to keep walking." I looked around the table to glance at the looks I was getting, but then I continued. "As we were walking I came across a bar and I was just about to pass the driveway when I noticed a big black truck was about to pull in so I stopped Jake and myself and waited for the truck. As I waited I glanced at the driver in the truck and noticed it was a very handsome guy but kept slowly walking because I didn't want to seem like a creep, yet I wanted to see what he looked like." I paused for a second to let that all settle in and then I continued. "The man stepped out of the truck and came walking over towards me, I realized that he was a lot more handsome up close." I chuckled slightly as Luke squeezed my hand to pretty much say you know it! "Then he did something that surprised me, he actually bent down and started petting Jake and glanced up at me and introduced himself, after of course asking for the dog's name." I explained. "That's how we met."

"May, there is a little more to the story." Luke gave me a sly smile.

"Well they didn't ask how you first asked me out." I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"After that I asked may if she wanted some food from the bar, forgetting the fact that she had a dog with her, so of course she declined saying that she couldn't take the dog inside. Then I asked if I could walk with her and she said sure so we walked and got to know each other. When we finally walked back to the bar because she was supposed to be home soon. I offered her a ride back and she hesitantly accepted and then I gave her a ride home and asked her out as she was walking away." Luke continued the story not asking if anyone wanted to hear the rest.

"Oh that's so cute!" Jocelyn exclaimed as she took off her cover up.

Luke squeezed my hand under the table and gave me a look like told ya so. I stuck my tongue out at him like the very immature person that I am. Luke laughed and pecked me on the cheek.

"You Love me and you know it."

"We'll see." I teased and turned my attention back to the group ignoring Luke's "shocked" face.

"Grace how did you meet Skit?" Grace laughs awkwardly at Jocelyn's subject changing question as she shifts in her seat.

"We met at the party that Luke had." We all blink awkwardly, knowing that that was the party that I and Luke had our big fight at; the one that broke us up for a week.

Difficult Journey (A Big Girl Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon