I. Family

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        My family isn't even slightly normal, we have always been odd. When I was young my mom left my family. She took drugs and took off with a bunch of our money; of course she attacked me first. Anyway, our family struggled through that time my dad worked 2 jobs, therefore, he was gone all the time. So my siblings, Brittney and Simon, and I had to make our own meals and get ourselves ready for school; pretty much parent ourselves. I was 7 at the time, Brittney was 9 and 5 months, and Simon, he was 11.

         Our school provided our lunch since we were poor. Some days we were even lucky enough to get food from the food pantry in town. That is assuming Dad had enough time to go there in between jobs. 

        When I just turned 8 I woke up one Saturday morning and my dad was seated at the counter reading something, a letter I guessed. I walked in and asked him what he was reading, keep in mind it was like 5 in the morning I was an early riser because I always wanted to see my dad before he went to work. Even though it was a Saturday, my body was used to waking up early, so it's a habit I guess.

        He turned to me and said 'Here, read it.' I read it and it said something like how are my brother and sister doing? It also said dad a couple of times. I just didn't get it. He raised his head after I looked up and he asked me if I knew what it meant. I said 'I have another dad?' I was confused. He smiled a bit, but said 'No, you have another sister.' He, then, got out a picture and showed me her.

        Her name was Katie. The reason that I never knew about her was because my mom didn't like her; she wasn't her kid, I actually found that out later in life. She was my half-sister. A sister I had lived my whole life without knowing.

        My mom also didn't like my dad's family very much so I only seen them an average of twice a year. Almost all of them smoked but they all were mostly funny. One of my uncles had been in jail and a couple years later, another one of my uncles would go to jail. The other uncle was sent to a mad house. I have three uncles and one aunt on my dad's side of the family.

        My aunt had four kids. She got knocked up at 16 and most people would say it ruined her life but it made a turn for the better after that. When my aunt was younger she peed her bed till she was 16. I know what you all are thinking. 'Oh she's 16 she's supposed to be potty-trained!' But just hear me out. My aunt peed her bed not because she couldn't make it, or didn't know when she had to go to the bathroom. It was because her brother's room was by the bathroom and if she had to go to the bathroom her brother would molest her so she decided to pee herself instead. Then when she got pregnant at 16 her brother stopped so she actually saw the pregnancy as a blessing rather than an unfortunate event.

         Once my mom left my dad got into a rocky relationship with my mom's parents. On my mom's side I had one aunt and one uncle. Later my aunt got pregnant but not at the time. My uncle was an alcoholic. They all tried to be there as much as possible but I didn't really see my uncle, and my aunt was kind of partying all the time.

        My dad and I became pretty close when my mom left. He was always there and I would depend on him for everything. Every morning I would wake up at 5 to work out with him and then I'd pack his lunch while he was in the shower. I tried my hardest to make my dad happy. He didn't take my mom leaving very well. Originally, she was suppose to come back, but she never did. 

        When my mom didn't come back my dad told each of us kids one by one but calling each of us to his room one at a time. I remember how he told us perfectly. I remember walking in scared of what he was going to tell me because I saw my sister walk out crying. I walked in and sat on his bedroom floor. My dad was laying in his bed his waist down covered up, he wasn't even wearing a shirt. His eyes were red, his hair fumbled up, and his mouth twitched at what he was about to say. He told me 'Mom isn't coming back.'  Were the only words he could say before he  let out a loud sob.

        At first I was shocked I didn't understand what exactly he was saying; my mind went blank. It then all triggered I started crying on his bedroom floor. I remember my dad saying to me 'come here.' and he opened his arms to me. We both sat there and cried as both of our hearts shattered to pieces not knowing who was going to pick them up and put them back together.

            My siblings and I got along pretty well after my mom left but my sister and I obviously had our fights. We threw shoes and I once threw a fork at her, but after we got sent up to our rooms we wouldn't be mad at each other anymore I would actually sneak into her room and play with her because her room was right next to mine. My brother and I didn't have much conflicts when we were younger, I mean, if I fought with him, he would win so there really was no point.

        My family wasn't perfect but it's what I got and I'm glad I did. My life would of been so much different if I had a different family and it shaped me to be who I am today.


I'm trying to write a new story. The characters are based on real people and this whole back story is true. Im going through and editing all the chapters today.

Status: EDITED by Strangely-Beautiful

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