"ah.. that. it's nothing really important..–it can wait." he replied.

eunhee looked at him, a bit dissapointed.

she was expecting him to suddenly kneel on his knee and ask her to marry him, but of course they aren't even an official couple yet.

this was only their fourth date, and she assumed that sungyeol isn't completely satisfied or convinced that she'd make a great girlfriend for him.

she just acted like his reply didn't bother her at all, as she intertwined her hands with his. this caused sungyeol to look at her gummy smile, however, he did not look like he was enjoying their intimate interactions as he soon broke his grip from hers.

he scratched his head, "look, eunhee–" he tried to make out the words to tell her, but she interrupted him.

"it's okay.. i know what you're gonna say," she stopped walking and looked at him with a sad smile, "i know i'm not the one you want."

sungyeol shook his head, "it's not that, it's just..-i was hoping if we could stop acting so cutesy."

"it's not my type."

eunhee was looked at him confused, 'not his type? then what does he want to do?'

sungyeol looked straight at eunhee's eyes, never breaking contact, and started to lean into her face.

they were just inches away from kissing when they heard some high-pitched screaming,

"ahhh help, it won't stop! hyunggg!!" a boy with black hair and the high-pitched voice screamed.

he was riding an electrical scooter and was heading rapidly their way—right in between the almost-kissing couple.

sungyeol and eunhee separated themselves as the boy zoomed through their way.

"are you kidding me?" sungyeol scoffed as he looked back at the screaming boy from afar, "where are his parents?"

just then, he felt something heavy hit the back of his back. when he turned around he saw a red penny board and a pair of heels that just recently fell.

'duh fuk..?' he thought to himself.

"who threw that!" he cried out loud as he massages his aching back, "seriously, could this date get any worse.."

eunhee turned around, clueless—she was distracted by the pretty scenery of the cherry blossoms to pay attention to what happened after they broke apart.

"oh my god, sungy, are you okay?" she tried to help him stand up properly while holding the picnic basket.

"for now, i think i'll be okay," he groaned, "let's just look for a place to eat."

as eunhee helped lifting sungyeol back to his feet, he felt two pairs of eyes glaring at him in the atmosphere, this feeling caused him to suddenly turn around with attentive eyes. unfortunately, he did not see anyone behind him except for other couples staring at him weirdly, while some looked at him, scared.

"hey," eunhee snapped her fingers in front of him, "are you sure you're alright?" she put her hands on his chest and looked closely at his face—she noticed how pissed he looked, but also kind of anxious in some aspects.

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