34. Paws Goes on a Date

Start from the beginning

Marinette walked into the library, late as usual... "What's going on?" she asked Alya who promptly shushed her.

"Videogame tournament," I told her, "also your shoe is untied."

"What?" She looked down, "Will you stop doing that?!"

"Sure, when you stop falling for it," I snickered.

Laces glared at me before asking again, "But really, what's going on?"

Rose materialized in front of us, " It's try-outs for the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III Tournament! This school sends the two students with the highest scores!" she squealed in excitement.

"Actually the try-outs are for a partner to team up with Max in the Tournament," Kim added on.

I arched an eyebrow dubiously at that. Sure Max was good, but to be so pretentious and arrogant to automatically assume that he was the best and that the tryouts were to find him a partner...? Surely this was a recipe for disaster.

"Why Max?" Marinette kept the conversation going.

"Because he's unbeatable!" Kim enthused, posing excitedly, "He's a total rocksord! He's got the highest APM over anyone!"

"APM?" Laces seemed just as puzzled as I was at the abbreviations.

"Actions per minute? This tournament..."

My mind drifted off as I changed my focus to watch Paws I realized something about Kim's statement on Max's gaming skills were false.

"Hey Kim, you sure about Max being the best?" I asked.

"Yes! Why?"

I gestured with my head just as the game announced Paws to be the best gamer. Everyone in the room cheered, and Paws even looked over to me beaming. I gave him a thumbs up.

"What happened, Max?" Kim asked.

For a second I thought Max was disappointed, but he seemed to shrug it off and congratulated Paws.

"So let me get this straight. If someone manages to beat Max's score, they'll team up with Adrien at the tournament?" Marinette wondered out loud.

Before I could answer her, Kim spoke over me, "No one can beat Max. Or rather Max and Adrien. It's a slam dunk. They're our school's dream team!"

Alya frowned deeply and dragged Marinette over to some shelves, I could already hear her scolding her friend.

Uh oh, was it time for me to "big brother" now?

As I walked over to the girls, I heard Marinette gasp excitedly from behind the bookshelf, "Can you imagine?! Me, teaming up with Adrien?!"

Oh nah, this was just teen stuff.

I poked my head around the corner, "Oh yes, imagine that," it's not like they didn't already team up every day on a consistent basis, "Revolutionary, outstanding idea. I can't imagine what it must be like for you and Paws to be on a team. Sounds like the greatest thing since aglets."

"Since what?" Laces stared at me.

"If you don't know what those are, you're not smart enough to talk to me," I replied flatly.

Alya eyed me, "Do you... know something we don't?"

I snorted, "Oh please Alya, I'm a librarian assistant. What could I possibly know?"

Alya rolled her eyes at me before refocusing her attention to Marinette. "This is about stepping up and representing! Not snuggling up and snogging! " she continued, "This is serious business!"

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