27. Fuko Wears a Bell

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Well, I'm back! I think I'm alive? Maybe? -checks- technically I'm alive? But whoooooooooooo boy, that semester took a lot out of me! 

But I've got great news! Because I put this under hiatus (in order to be able to work and complete my creative writing homework on time) I didn't work too much on this chapter until literally earlier today. BUT, there were a couple times when I just didn't feel like being productive and I finished the outline



After some quick math, provided I don't miss a single week this summer, I can actually finish this a week before heading back to university! Isn't this exciting! We're over the half way mark! I've got 41 chapters planned total. You all are going to kill me for the finale. It was already angsty, and then I decided to bump it up somehow, so uh yeah...

I can't believe more of you didn't ask me questions about this! XD I left it open AAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL semester! But now that I'm back in action, I'm officially closing it. Only one person asked me a question, and it was one of the spoiler questions too. If you guys want to see it, just check out the comments section, if you want to remain unspoiled, then dont? XD

Please enjoy today's chapter! See you all next week! Story is below 1st announcement 


So, sorry for disappearing. I had been keeping up decently well when the semester started, and then I got a job, which meant all the time that I would be spending on writing the chapters and expanding my outline went to making moolah. 

I would've run into a problem anyways, since, as I said last time, I reached the end of my chapter outline (Not overall, storyline outline) and I need to extend it so that I can continue and bridge everything to the end, but I've been kind of stuck on it, (still am a little). I've been thinking about the story though whilst at work cleaning dishes and I'm starting to formulate in my head exactly where I want this to go. 

There's also another slight problem that when I AM writing something, it's either for my creative writing class or... for a Coco fan fic idea that I may or may not actually follow through with publishing on wattpad in the future. I don't really know, I'd rather expand my time and energy in the future working on my own original stories rather than fan fictions after I finish this. 

As far as this chapter goes, it's 60-70% done, I'm having a lot of fun writing it. 

Reason for updating right around now instead of with a new chapter? Well it came to my attention that February is right around the time when I first started writing this, so I've been officially been working on Felix for a year!! Hooray!! I wanted to know your guys' opinions! Should I do something to celebrate? If so, what? Should you guys leave questions in the comments section that I absolutely must answer (within reason) AKA 3 people could ask me for spoilers and I'd be required to answer (NO MORE THAN 3 THO CUZ COME ON, I STILL WANNA SURPRISE YOU).

But yes, Pm me, comment, let me know what I should do to celebrate (if you think I should celebrate at all, but like come on, this story has been up a year and it has 1k reads?!) 

when I post the chapter in the future, it'll be under this announcement, so keep your eye out for that!

That's all for now! Toodle-loo


It was picture day at school. M Damocles had hired a fancy photographer to take photos of everyone. Funnily enough it was the same photographer that normally did photo shoots with Paws.

He had tried getting me and Théo to pose for a photo, but I declined. If he wanted to get a photo of the library staff, then he'd have to wait until Mme Dubois returned.

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