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"Hey mom, why can't I go outside?"

"Because I'm protecting you from the scary hunter. He likes to hurt special people like yourself." Giavonna kissed the 7 year old child on the head which made Giavonna sick to her stomach. She doesn't know why though. Mother's are supposed to protect, teach, love, and provide for their children, but she doesn't feel that with her child.

"So that's why we have to move so many times, Mom?"

"Yes, now get some sleep, Livia. And no staying up practicing magic or summoning under-worldly creatures." Livia nodded her head and as soon as her mother left, she mumbled some inaudible words under her breath and she soon felt her pupils roll to the back of her head.

The hellion she was trying to summon has been with her since she created him from the remains of a past soul of a dog that refused to pass on. The creature became a devil dog that has graciously accepted her as its master.

The devil dog, that she named Due, was suddenly in the darkness of her room. The room was positioned with Livia's bed on the wall longways and the bed frame was against the wall. On that wall was the huge window that glowed a bright orange light due to the light post in their backyard.

She found it strange that the evil presence found in her pet was almost normal and didn't smell foul, but her mother's was another story.

At the back of her mind, she knows of the hostility towards her. Livia guessed that she was able to know emotions, because she was part demon. So she's able to sense the evil within people, especially those who are close to her. Although she could always sense the evil that lurks in her mother's heart, she still loved her regardless.

"Good boy." She whispered. "Can you stay with me? The shadow wont leave me alone?" Her puppy looked at her with a cocked head. With his red eyes glowing in the darkness, it hopped on bed with her and laid its head on her calf.

Livia felt her eyes getting heavy and soon she dozed off.

12 years later

"Happy birthday." Giavonna says as she walked into her daughter's room, seeing that she was already up. Livia's face lit up when she saw her mother with the large cake in hand. "Thank you mom." She blew out her candles walk down the stairs to see her mother had set presents everywhere in the living room behind the couches around the balloon arch. "You really shouldn't have mom. Everything is beautiful. Thank you." Livia was so grateful for her mother, even though the stench evil was present and smelled worse than ever before.

'Could she be planning something? If so, what could it be?' Livia tried to think logically, but nothing except questions came to mind. There wasn't anything she'd think her mother would do so it was really hard for her to guess or pine-point exactly what her mother would do.

They both sat down to eat cake after opening all her gifts. "Mom?"

Giavonna looked up from her plate and raised an eyebrow. "What happened between you and my father? I haven't said anything because you looked so hurt when I was little and asked for my dad and-"



Livia could see the scowl that was trying to make it's way onto her mother's face. She couldn't tell if this aggression was towards her or her father. The smell of evil grew causing Livia's eyebrows to furrow and her nose to she shrivel in disgust.

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