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My skin created bumps of unease to physically express my emotions as we walked deeper into the territory of the vampire kingdom.

I didn't feel this way because of that, as one would think. I felt like I do, because all I could worry about was how my existence came to be. What is it about me knowing the knowledge of my past that effects the puppeteer's goal to exterminate the entire supernatural species?

Coleder only brought it up a few moments ago, but that's all that has plagued my mind. I should not even be thinking about this, because as of right now, Coleder, Damien and I are now in the territory of the vampire kingdom and no one has appeared to apprehend us yet.

This was peculiar seeing as it's now sunset and it will be dark in as little as no time, so why haven't we been approached yet? Vampires thrive better in darkness and it is the time where they are most violent.

"Did you tell the vampires that we were coming?" I whispered to Coleder. And he turned to me with a vacant look in his eyes as if the question I asked was a stupid one or if he hadn't heard what I said, but I know he heard me loud and clear.

He didn't respond, because just as he was about to, we heard it.


All three of us stopped our movements and looked to where we heard the sound. "Disgusting filth." Damien mumbles as he puts his hand in his hair to quickly get the loose strands from his line of vision. I'm assuming that Coleder did, in fact, alert them that we were coming, because vampires would have attacked us by now.

Coleder starts to walk again. "They're chaperoning. Let's keep moving." He instructs as he begins to walk again. I followed suit and soon Damien as well. From the sounds I was hearing I could tell that it was about 4 vampires around us. Two were north and south of us and two more were east and west of us.

After walking, with caution for about 30 minutes, we finally were face to face with the vampire kingdom. Saying that the castle was big and beautiful was an understatement. It had beauty that was blinding. Now I understand why the vampires need so many humans to clean. I also know why they call it the Dark Palace too, because the palace walls are, indeed, pitch black.

"Ugh, I want to go." Damien mutters under his breath while looking over his shoulder at the chaperone vampires behind us.

I looked towards the steel doors, and suddenly multiple vampire soldiers treaded towards us. Nervousness was all I could feel as they got in their formation. I certainly made sure that I was prepared to defend myself if need be. And from what I could see, the next but smaller group of the soldiers that were suddenly making their way out of the castle were all half-blood vampires.

The mismatched eyes they all had gave them away.

With pure blood and half blood vampires it is very easy to distinguish them out. Pureblood vampires have crystal blue eyes. Half-blood's have one blue eye and the other eye is red.

Soon we stopped walking. The vampire soldiers also stopped walking, but they only stopped walking when they had gotten in formation, which was in a rectangle shape on each side of the castle doors, leaving a spot in the middle opened. The Half-blood Vampires were closer to the centre. This looked as if they were giving a person the spotlight like if a person were to walk through those steel castle doors at this moment.

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