Part I: Chapter 1: The Skinned Women

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300 years ago

"We need you for a certain task, Coleder." The Siren, Lorraine said as she began looking through her paperwork.

"When don't you." Coleder asked not expecting a response. Farrah, the supernatural counsel's servant, then poured him a drink when he signalled to her with a simple lift of his head and Farrah soon went back to her chair in the corner, waiting for any more orders from anyone. She was annoying, in his opinion, and had the personality of an attention seeker and prefers to be a person always in need of others help. Even when she doesn't need it.

"There is a crime that needs to be solved-" The devil started. His face was stern and his eyes glowed a fiery red. As Coleder studied his face he realised his black horns on the sides of his temples had shrunken in size. Which Coleder determined was due to lost strength.

"Certain supernaturals are having intimate relations with other supernaturals that are not of their particular genome." Gavin, the Vampire said cutting Lucifer off causing him to glare.

Coleder scoffed and turned to the werewolf. "And? That's not breaking any laws." He spoke with a shrug. Legion was quick to respond in a matter-of-factly tone. "When there's a offspring involved, that is breaking the most absolute law of all."

Coleder then brings the glass of wine to his lips. When he finishes Dina, the counsellor of the witches, speaks. "Coleder, you are to hunt down a witch named Giavonna and bring her here to be tried for treason. And the child should be sentenced to death."

"Consider it done."

Little did Coleder know later those words will be ones he'll regret saying.


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