Part II: Chapter 7: The Dark Prince

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"Hey, are you okay?" Damien asked as I stepped over a fallen tree. "Fine." That was my answer and I could tell that it wasn't enough to pacify him, because he stared at me with a look of incredulity, from my answer, and conflict, which meant that he wanted to ask me another question but doesn't know if he should.

I'd prefer it if he didn't. The silence and peaceful atmosphere of nature is soothing to my state of mind. Demons, such as myself, tend to have an erratic and scattered mind. We are unpredictable. That's what makes demons so dangerous.

I mean, would you rather be face to face with a serial killer that is level headed or psychotic?

"Liv-um... Aiyinè, I can tell that something is wrong. You smell worried."

"Are you not?"

Being wary of what lies ahead, is crucial and very much justified. There is an entire unchangeable war that the council started with me. Anything could happen and trying so hard to prevent something could make things so much worse.

"No, so neither should you." He answered with his voice steady. His wrist scrapped a thick branch as he used his hand to lift up the branch, so he would not hit his head. After he got his head under, he turned to me.

"False hope is dangerous." I say leaning my body down under the now lifted branch that he held. "So is negativity." He replied dropping the branch after I finished moving under it.

"And so is positivity, to an extent."

"You just have to get the last word in, huh?" He chuckles behind me. I kept silent as we walked deeper into the thick woods, not entirely believing his words. I stopped moving and then my hands gripped the ancient Latin wood of my wand that I removed from my boot.

This wand has seen so many things since it's creation in A.D by an ancestor of my family, which was a time where magic was only believed to be preformed by wand. Everything I've learned with this and everything I will learn can be done by hand and mind.

I don't need it.

Damien looked at me in disbelief as he heard the wood crack beneath my fingers.


She has awakened. My heart has returned.


I lifted my head and tilted it at my second in command. She takes a knee while putting the palm of her fist on her heart laying it flat across her chest and looks up to me in adoration. "We lost the trail, but we can retrieve information about where she's headed." She states.

My seconded in command turned her head to the other two subordinates who brought in a half human boy. From what I could sense, he was half werewolf but not shifted yet. Her faint scent lingered around him still.

It was intoxicatingly exquisite and I cannot wait to drown in it completely when I have my other half by my side.

He sobbed as they held him tightly. "Let him go." I said with my voice laced with venom. The boy fell from the force of them pushing him on the ground in anger of my request which cause me to growl and stand to my full height.

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