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As the vehicle in front of her drove incredibly slower than the speed limit, it caused Livia to become very irritated. That guy from before could be following her and the car in front of her was a old rusty Ford truck with a man driving, who looked as if he wasn't supposed to be driving at his age, as fast as a snail.

Livia groaned and changed lanes after turning on her signal light. Then she sped back into the fast lane.

After driving for a few hours, she pulled into a gas station. Livia got out of her car and locked the doors; even casting a silent spell to protect it. The gas station was old but somehow new. The metal is on the building was a faded blue with streaks of mud and the concrete had dark green lines from mold, but in the inside it looked newly refurbished.

Machines that let you win candy necklaces, or some kind of treat was on the side of the store and they looked new, but on the other side was a rusty old Red-box machine.

A group of men stood at the side of it smirking, drinking, and smoking. She had a look of disgust as one of them called out to her. "Hey sweetheart!"

She just ignored him, because Livia wasn't looking for a fight, she just wanted to fill up her car and then get back to her business, but Livia did have another reason for being there.

She went up to the cashier.

"So many things are shown to the blind eye." Livia said feeling anxious. Which is what she always felt when greeting another supernatural. "By none of which realize is in the sky." The cashier responds.

This is a little rhyme that supernatural's say to approach each other in a peaceful setting. Livia hated it but sadly it's against the law to not greet others. This is supposed to show a sign of equality between otherworldly beings.

Livia thought that if she still followed the rules the council would be on her side, but she knew that they didn't know and if she were caught then she would use that as her defense.

"Livia. Demon."

"Rita. Siren."

"Shouldn't you be in water?" Livia teased.

"Shouldn't you be in hell?" Rita stated back.

"I would say touché, but I don't belong there." Livia said leaving Rita confused, but she didn't ask. It was none of her business and Rita is a woman who is a big advocate of respecting others.

"Fifty dollars on the second gas pump, please."

"There you go, doll." Rita said handing Livia her receipt which came from her register after typing on the it. "Bye, Rita."

Livia had her eyes on her feet as she walked in the direction of her car with her mind and thoughts plagued on her mother. All the good and bad memories passed in and out of her head.

'How could she do this to me? It literally makes no sense. Did she always feel this way about me or did I do something recently to make her hate me-well I guess it really doesn't matter. That woman will gets what's coming to her.'

Livia finally made it to her car and started pumping gas. When she finished she put the handle all the way in.

"Hey gorgeous. Where you headed off to do soon?"

She looked up and the men that was in the corner was around her car. "That's none of your business." She looked at them and she could tell that they were all humans. "Can you guys move? I don't want to be in jail, because I ran one of you guys over." Livia said sarcastically. One of the men came up in front of her and closed the driver's side door that Livia had opened only a few milliseconds ago.

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