Really ?

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Regina sat in the back of the classroom scribbling on her notebook and not paying attention again for the ..more than once time in the last two classes . She was glad to see it end and she walked to the door , bumping into someone " sorry go ahead " the voice said . It was Emma ...Emma Swan , Reginas crush "oh I-i - you - sure thanks .." Regina finally squeaked out walki g out of the classroom and down the hall to her bestfriend Belle " Belle I bumped into Emma ..i wakes into her back, ugh I'm so dumb " Regina whined leaning her head on the lockers and scrunching her face up " well she's smiling at you so maybe you didn't embarrass yourself " Belle suggested while pushing the frame of her glasses back up her face .

Regina looked across the hall to Emma who was standing with her few friends and she smiled ...she smiled Regina . Oh good god I'm going to melt Regina thought to herself and smirked to herself before walking to her next class that Emma was also in .

If Regina could describe Emma she would say she's a loner , but bad ass..extremeley pretty to say the least and has amazing green eyes "stop thinking about her again " Belle scolded from beside her " sorry I can't help it ..i really like her " Regina stressed before trying to shake her mind of everything Emma . 

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