One Day

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"Regina , I love you so much ...more than anything  but I know your not happy .....are you ?"

Regina wiped away a tear and with a shaky breath she answered " no "

Emma nodded and gave a weak smile "everything I've ever done was to make you happy , to love you unconditionally , for you to want to wake up smiling in the morning and go to sleep happy ..and I know you love me but your not in love with me and that's okay really is Gina don't have to risk your happiness for mine anymore "

A sob broke from Regina who couldn't keep her emotions at bay , Emma stood from across the table and hugged Regina tight , who in turn buried her head in the crook of Emma's neck "I'm sorry " she sobbed , Emma pulled away and wiped Reginas tears.

" Regina I always knew I wanted you in my life, I still do . Maybe we thought a relationship was the way to go but some things don't work out and that's okay ...i will always be your bestfriend and I will always love you me it's hard not to love that face "

Regina laughed slightly wiping away her tears, Emma looked atv her with so much awe and love that she wondered how she could ever not love her " I'm going to go , okay ? going to go to college in Boston and I'm going to always be a phone call away but I know we won't keep in touch and I'm okay with that , as long as you are happy I will be happy ." Emma slowly kissed Reginas forehead one more time before pulling her leather jacket over her shoulders " goodbye Regina Mills " she said smiling , Regina gave a watery smile "goodbye Emma Swan "

And she was gone , Emma left storybrooke and didn't come back , she left a letter for Regina but told her to never open it unless she was questioning everything and she hasn't opened it , she put it in a drawer , locked it and gave the key to her mother and moved on with her life ...she got a job as a lawyer in New York , she fell in love and got engaged but one day as she was filling out invitations she looked Emma up , found her address and sent her an invitation never expecting a response but got one ....

Just a little update because the next one is going to be long 😃

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