Swan-mills Household

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Emma had come home early from work feeling a headache coming on she threw her keys in the bowel on the table in the foyer , hung her coat up and walked through to the kitchen .

The amazing smell of lasagne filled her nostrils and she hummed as she wrapped her arms around her wife "hey baby " Regina cooed leaning into the embrace while stirring sauce "hey, where's the kids ?" Emma asked "Henry is in the sitting room playing games , Hope is in the play room and Daniel is taking a nap " just on cue the cries of a baby were heard from upstairs " I got him " Emma said pecking her wife before walking upstairs to her room where her ten month old was sleeping ...well not anymore .

Emma opened the door and turned the light on , she took one look at her baby before he got sick all over his crib " oh my baby boy " Emma said holding her son as he vomited "that's it , get it up ..." she said softly rubbing his back . She took him out and gave him a quick wash down and changed his pjamas before giving him medicine to settle his tummy and for a fever " now little man you sit here while momma cleans your crib " Emma cooed placing her son in bounce chair .

Regina finished making the sauce when her second youngest walked in looking a bit pale " mommy my tummy hurts " Hope whined holding her stomach " ah no baby are you going to be sick ?" She asked, Hope shook her head but blew up her cheeks and ran for the bathroom in the hallway , Regina chased after her holding her little locks out of her hair and putting them up in a messy bun .

" hey Gina , Dani is si-" Emma started walking down the stairs when she noticed the bathroom door open "oh no " she sighed " mommy my tummy " Hope cried still puking in the toilet "it's okay baby " Emma cooed to her daughter " can you get me the medicine please ?" Regina asked . Emma nodded .

Emma sat Daniel down in his play area " Hen can you watch Dani while I get medicine for Hope please ?" Emma asked her thirteen year old
" sure mom " he said not peeling his eyes away from the screen , Emma rolled her eyes and ran upstairs to get the medicine " here babe you finish cooking I'll take care of this " Emma offered " okay  , there is a bucket in her closet " Emma nodded and carried her six year old to bed .

Regina had lifted dinner and told Henry to come , he brought Daniel into the kitchen and put him in his high chair before sitting down , Emma made it down the stairs " she fell asleep " Regina nodded " sit and eat babe " Emma rubbed her forehead " headache mum ?" Henry asked " yea bud goo much computer time " Emma replied before tucking in .

They were halfway through their meal when Henry pushed his plate away " I'm full , can I be excused I'm tired " he asked , Regina furrowed her eyebrows in concern " of course bud
.are you sick " he shook his head "just tired " The women nodded and let Henry excuse himself .

Emma was washing the dishes while Regina put Daniel down for bed with a bottle , she had only gotten to the kitchen door when the two women heard two doors slam " shit " they said and ran upstairs . Regina to hope and Emma to Henry ,who both were violently vomiting in the toilet " there ye go bud " Emma said rubbing her son's back " shit " he seethed " all done she asked . He nodded and wiped his mouth . They gave the kids another round of medicine that didn't stay down .

It was two in the morning and all three kids had just settled down and called asleep when both women collapsed into bed "I hate when they are all sick " Regina whined " yes but this way is easier " Emma mentioned.  Emma cuddled into Regina and touched her nose off hers . She was about to kiss her wife when Regina shot up from bed and ran to the bathroom shutting the door behind her " Regina are you -" Emma was cut off by the noise of vomiting . Emma groaned and went downstairs to get water , towels and medicine for her wife " Emma don't- come in- h-here " Regina got out before vomiting again . Emma ignored the demand and walked over to her wife holding her hair back tying it into a loose pony tail and kissing her head " okay I think I'm-" Regina started but finished when she vomited again " woah that is ..a lot " Emma said while rubbing her wife's back " okay now I'm done " Regina said standing and flushing the chain " you brush your teeth I'll put on the Netflix and open the windows" Emma said leaving the room .

Regina walked slavishly back to bed after talking medicine and climbed in, Emma tried to cuddle but Regina held her arm out " your going o get sick " Emma shook her head " no I won't come here, let me hold you " Regina gave in and Emma pressed play on friends .

Regina started to drift off in Emma's arms , she could feel Emma about to kiss her goodnight " don't " she warned but Emma rolled her eyes and laughed " Regina Swan Mills kiss me " Emma said pulled Regina closer . Regina shook her head " you'll get si-" Emma cut her off with a passionate and soft kiss to the lips , when she pulled away she pecked Regina twice before burying her head in the crook of her wife's neck " worth it " she said before sighing contently and smiling against the brunettes neck " your an idiot Swan " Regina giggled " your idiot " Emma added " I love you " Regina cooed " I love you too baby " Emma replied .

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