Summer Vacation

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Regina was sitting at her desk in her office at work signing off on outfits and designs and what not , it was the start of July and Henry's last day of school before summer break , Regina had just got a text message to say he had gotten to school safely.

It was just past eleven o'clock when she looked up from her desk and seen a bunch of the interns walk past her office laughing and talking , she went outside to see what all the noise was about and her bestfriend Belle was standing watching aswell "belle what's going on ?" Regina asked , Belle smiled and leaned in " they are all going to Ibiza for a month " she said happily " oh ..must be nice " Regina added " oh it is , i so wish I could go on a holiday " Regina paused for a second ...there really is nothing stopping her from going .

She turned on her heels " Belle ...were going to Spain " Regina said walking into her office Belle quickly on her heels " w-what do you mean Reggie" Regina typed away on her computer for ten minutes not answering belle until she stood up " I've just booked us flights to Belamedina, Spain . Me you, Gideon , Zelena , Robin and Henry ...we are going " she smiled proudly at her stament " what !? When " Belle screamed excitedly "in three hours so you better hurry and get packing " Regina mentioned

Belle ran to her friend and hugged her before running out of the building . Regina went to her computer to type up everything that needs to be done by her assistant and Business partner , she called a ten miniute meeting " everything should be done the way I do it , I will have eyes and ears everywhere so don't screw any orders up . Me or Mr Locksley won't be here so I trust you four can handle everything " she said to her higher up staff " yes ma'am " they replied in unison " good , and enjoy your weekend " she smiled and walked out . She went to her office to grab her bag and drive to the school to pick Henry up .

Henry was called out of first class and had no clue what was going on , he thought he was in trouble " mom ?" He asked confused " yep your coming home , grab your bag from class honey ..ill tell you why in the car " Henry nodded and ran to class to grab his bag .

They were in the car driving home
" okay what's going on thirteen now mom that's basically an adult you can tell me " Henry said like it was obvious , Regina laughed and shook her head " we are going on a holiday so I needed to get you because the flight leaves in three hours " she explained , she had Henry on holiday , they boy was shocked and excited to finally be going on a holiday with his mother who is a workaholic , when they got to the house Regina opened the door "okay pack everything you might need and we can buy more over there " Henry bolted up the stairs to his room to pack .

Regina was halfway through packing her suitcase when her phone rang
" hello ?" She asked casually "Reg , are you serious threw hours notice is all I get !! Are you crazy " Zelena shouted down the phone " I'm sorry it's last miniute and hey ! I paid for your flight " Regina tried to reason with her stubborn sister " I suppose so ..okay bye see you at the airport " she hug up and Regina continued packing .


Emma was sitting on a private Jet with her three bestfriends. Killian , Ruby and August. She was looking out the window " and your sure it's okay the dates are crossed for the premier or anything " she asked making sure she couldn't get in trouble for this " no but Cruelle might have a heart attack knowing your going to Spain " Ruby joked " it's not funny guys I'm supposed to be on press for the week and you are bringing me to Spain!" Emma whined " hey swan , relax yea ? " August chimed in " aye love , it's only a couple of days " Killian added " your right ..and I do need this " she reasoned " see that's the spirit , we all need this work us too hard " Ruby scolded .

Ruby was Emma's bestfriend since childhood , Killian was a fellow actor and bestfriend and August was an author and illustrator , they took off and made it to Spain within two hours . 


Everyone had made it to their apartment , Zelena and Belle were across from Regina and Henry on the sixth floor, they settled in and got their swimming gear on to go to the beach . They all walked along the stretch until they found a nice spot just on the water .

"Okay come here and I put suncream on you now " Zelena said to her eight year old daughter " ugh mom I'm fine" Robin whined " you won't be fine when your as red as a tomato!" Zelena sassed grabbing her daughter to sit in front of her , Henry laughed but was grabbed by his mother too "you too young man " Regina said putting cream on his neck and back , Henry and Regina were naturally tanned with olive skin but Zelena and robin weren't. 

Belle had her four year old in a wet suit and making sand castles "mama look " he cooed at his half broken sand castle " it's great Gideon " Belle cooed . Regina was sun bathing and reading a book " mom I'm going in the water okay " Henry mentioned
" be careful " Regina warned " okay" Henry said running to the water .


Emma was walking along the water on the beach while the others were having a beer in one of the pubs , her phone started to ring so she answered it "hello " Emma sighed as soon as she heard Cruelles voice " Emma what the hell ! Spain really ! You wouldn't go for a movie but you would for a holiday " Cruelle spit " I know I'm sorry Cruelle but i-i was smothering in the press I needed a break " Cruelle sighed heavily " are you okay Emma " she asked voice full of concern
" because you know your mom told me -" Emma cut her off
" don't call my mom ...ill do it , I know you are all worried but I just -i couldn't deal with the pressure " Emma confessed "I know sweatie but that's the industry ..listen , call your mother okay " she sighed "  Emma said " great , well I'll give you three days before I tell the paps where you are okay ?" Emma rolled her eyes " your the best publicist and manager out there Crue " Cruelle laughed " I know dear , I know " Emma hung up and decided now was the best time to ring her mother .


Regina watched everyone around her walking and relaxing , she spotted a blonde walking along the beach on the phone  , Regina focused on the woman , well her body ...she had a toned body with a six pack and a tattoo of a pocket watch on the back of her forearm " stop staring " Belle teased " I- wasn't staring " Regina tried to cover it up but blushed "yes you were " Zelena laughed .

Belle leaned into Zelena who wrapped her arms around her waist
"ask her out " Zelena said " oh my god no she probably dosent even speak English " Regina muttered "she is speaking Swedish on the phone " Belle said " how do you even know that ?" Regina asked " my grandmother is Swedish " Belle said "she always belittled me because I didn't know it " She continued , Zelena kissed her temple making Regina smile and remember when she had that " don't think of Her Reg , Mal was a bitch and abusive " Zelena scolded " I'm not !" Regina stood up abruptly knocking into someone , when Regina composed her self she tried to apologise but the words died on her mouth seeing who it was " shit I'm sorry " Emma apologised " I was on the phone and not looking " she continued " are you okay " she asked seeing Regina struggle for words
" she's fine bunny just a bit flustered "Belle mentioned , Emma nodded and walked away " sorry again .." Regina finally spoke " Regina " Emma nodded " queen ..suits you , sorry again Regina " .

Regina fell back in her chair " that was hard to watch " Zelena teased but Regina was just starstruck by that blonde wavy hair ..those green eyes ..that body ....

Regina was starstruck .

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