Lost But Not Forgotten #3

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Emma had asked Mary Margret to babysit while she went for lunch with Ruby , of course she said yes so Emma met Ruby at Grannys and they went to an Italian restaurant . 

" so have you found anywhere for us ?" Emma asked biting into her pasta " what do you mean ? ...oh houses , yea there is a few three bedroom apartments but there is this one house on miffin street , the bouji side of town and it is gorgeous Emma , I mean ...big and beautiful " Ruby said eating her food " well how much ?" Emma questioned " twenty thousand " Ruby whispered , Emma nearly choked on her food " Jesus Ruby I thought you were going to say it was expensive " Emma laughed
" that is ! " Ruby defended " that's a year travel salary for me " Emma said , Ruby rolled her eyes and laughed " how great is it to have a rich friend " Emma scoffed " I'm not rich I'm comfortable and pretty great because I spoil my friends " they toasted to that " I guess we should go make an offer then " Ruby said " yes we should " Emma agreed .

They walked dour of the restaurant and went to the real estate agents office " hi " the receptionist greeted
" hi , I would like to buy 103 miffin street please " Emma said not waiting any time " would you like to see the house first " the receptionist said
" sure " Ruby added .

Emma and Ruby were walking with the agent Mr.Gold to the house " here we are " he said opening the door .When you walk in the door the foyer is decorated with mirrors and chandeliers and the living room is on the left and a big office area on the right " there is the kitchen through there , down the right hallway is four rooms , an office a bedroom and spare rooms . Upstairs there is four rooms a main bathroom and two en suits in the two mater bedrooms , the back yard is big and spacious , there is a basement and the attic is converted ." Gold explained " perfect we will take it " Emma said smiling
" okay let's get you to sign these papers" Gold cheered .

Emma and Ruby waved goodbye to Gold at the end of their new drive , Emma looked across the street to see Regina , the woman from the park walk out of the house directly across from Emma's " Regina hi " Emma shouted across the road " oh hello dear " Regina greeted " hello Ruby " she added , Ruby nodded " madam mayor " Emma tilted her head " your the mayor ?" Regina smirked " surprised dear ?" Emma shook her head " not entirely I just thought you were a lawyer " Emma confessed Regina smiled " no , I must pick up Henry from day care , bye ladies "

Ruby rolled her eyes as soon as Regina left " what was that for " Emma asked surprised as they walked back to Grannys " she's a bitch , so two faced " Ruby spat " she seemed really nice " Emma said
" that's because your new " Ruby explained , Emma shrugged " it's okay im not friends with her , just friendly neighbour " Ruby and Emma laughed and walked back inside .

Emma and Regina have a lot more in common than she thinks .

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