you know , you are a bit-

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Regina had just finished brewing her first cup of coffee while watching her son pack his bag for school " are you picking me up or should I just walk home like everyday ?" Henry asked sarcastically causing his mother to sigh " Henry I- " she was interrupted by her phone buzzing . They both knew what that meant "didn't think so " the fifteen year old spit before walking out the door letting it slam shut behind him .

Regina groaned thinking of the memory burned unto her brain from two weeks ago , her and her son haven't been getting on the best since she's been away with work so much . She boarded the train and took a seat in first class, she put her handbag beside her and her carry case in the overhead , as she was doing that someone bumped into her causing her to let the bag drop " watch where your going idiot " she scolded the person without looking up
" okay ...sorry for that " the feminine  voice replied, Regina looked up to see blonde locks in a tight ponytail and a red leather jacket .

She rolled her eyes " okay Jesus no need to be a bitch about it " the blonde replied lifting her bag into the overhead " you don't even know me " Regina spit " I don't need to k ow you to know your in a mood but no need to take it out on me lady " the blonde sassed back , Regina was speechless because she usually intimidated people , the blonde picked up on it straight away " oh ? Surprised I'm not intimidated ...dont worry not much scares me .." Regina shook her head "Regina " the blonde nodded and smiled " Emma , if say nice meeting you Regina but to be fair it wasn't a good first impression " Emma teased pulling out her headphones " I can tell your an annoying person " Regina sassed while pulling out her books "sure  " Emma replied not letting a moody woman get her mood down .

Halfway through the journey Emma decided to take off her jacket , she pushed it to the side and was about to put her headphones back in when Regina asked her a question
" marines ?" The brunette asked looking down at the tattoo on Emma's forearm , Emma nodded " yes  .how did you ?" Regina smirked " doctor , I see a lot of those tattoos in my department " Emma nodded intrigued by the woman " and that department is ?" Regina shook her head
" orthopaedic ...prostetics " Emma nodded and then she remembered something " wait Regina mills as in " Regina rolled her eyes and smiled
" Henry Mills , yes , my father " Emma nodded again " amazing man , saved my bestfriends life " Emma mentioned .

Regina turned " you knew my father " Emma pulled up the right sleeve of her top to reveal another tattoo , what's life if not fighting for  was written in italics across Emma's forearm " yes , he was a really amazing man , we gave him a proper shoulder send off " Emma replied , Regina nodded and they were silent for a few minutes .

" who knew old Henry had a bitchnof a daughter " Emma laughed , mostly to herself . Regina gasped " I am not a bitch " Regina defended , Emma tilted her head " debatable " the two women laughed and continued to have the odd chat while continuing their own activities .

Emma must of fell asleep because when she opened her eyes and checked her watch they were twenty minutes out of France , she needed to use the bathroom so she put her stuff to the side and stood up , breaking Regina away from her book.  Emma stretched which rode her shirt up a bit to reveal her toned body . Regina lingered for a miniute before returning to her book " the bathroom is up there right ?" Emma asked pointing ahead  , Regina nodded and Emma began walking .

Emma went to the toilet and was washing her hands , she dried them and when she came out of the bathroom she head a distant bang , must be the tracks she thought to herself but when she slid the door open to walk back into fist class she seen Regina standing frozen , her eyes slowly moved from Regina to the end of the room where there was a man with a gun , before Emma could process anything she felt a sharp sting through her shoulder and a scream from Regina.

Emma fell backwards and was trying to get over the ringing of the gun from her ears and the pain in her shoulder , she felt someone stand over her and it was the tanned man , she didn't think . Just reacted . She flung her leg up between his and grabbed the arm with the gun , she disabled the gun before jumping up and hitting the man in the nose with it , he ran and rugby tackled Emma down to the ground pushing pressure on her shoulder . She let out a pained scream and groan before kicking the man off her , sending him flying over towards Regina, he pulled out a pocket knife and tried to go for Regina but Emma jumped on him , she tried to get the knife but he slit her arm " shit " she groaned .

The Two were struggiling when the sliding door opened revealing the driver of the train distracting the man , Emma dislocated his arm earning a scream but not before he stabbed her in the abdomen , she grabbed the knife and threw it away , they both stood up and Emma grabbed his neck smashing his head on a table twice , knocking him out . He was lying motionless on the ground . Emma picked up the gun and loaded it again .

She stood back and instantly put her hand to her stomach " c-can you tie his legs and arms together " she asked the driver who nodded quickly and began to tie the man up with his tie and belts . Emma stumbled backwards grabbing a seat to hold her up when Regina ran to her side . She looked at Emma shoulder which wasn't bad off but She was looking a lit of blood from her abdomen
" Emma .." Regina started , Emma knew that tone .

" how long " Emma asked , Regina shook her head " five minutes " Regina said grabbing anything in sight to stop the bleeding " stop ..i won't make it , it's ten minutes to the station , I'll be long gone " Emma said in monotone breathless voice , Regina shook her head and lifted Emma's shirt " I'm not letting you die without trying to help you " she said applying pressure to the stab wound .

Regina looked around before grabbing her suitcase and pulling out the fistaid kit she had , Emma laughed " w-hy have you g-got a first aid kit in your " she asked , Regina smiled " for situations like this exactly " Emma chuckled " your too prepared Mills " she teased " exactly and it's what's going to save your life Emma " Regina said pulling out a bandage to wrap Emma's arm and shoulder "no ..your waiting your time on me , go check to see if anyone else is hurt fine " Emma said trying to push Regina away with her good arm

" I'm not leaving you Emma " Regina demanded " okay , just please  check on everyone else okay for a miniute " Emma reassured Regina
" you know you have to " Emma added . Regina nodded and turned to the driver " if she goes unconscious, scream for me okay ?" He nodded " I'll be back Emma " she promised " I know " Emma said smiling and taking a deep breath

Regina found an old lady with a shot leg and tightened it off with a shoelace , she bandaged a man's head and then she heard screams so she ran back to first class , it wand true driver , it was Emma ...trying to remove her own bullet . Regina rushed to her side " what the he'll are you doing ! That's the only thing keeping you alive right now " she scolded pulling Emma's hand away from her shoulder and applying pressure " this isn't the first bullet I've got hit by Regina " Emma explained, Regina rolled her eyes " and this isn't the first bullet wound I've treated so listen to me when I tell you to leave . It .In . " Emma rolled her eyes " fine" she huffed " are you seriously acting like a spoilt child tight now when I'm trying to save your life " Regina scoffed " I'm not a child ! I'm twenty eight " Emma squeled " not with that tone " Regina teased making Emma roll her eyes and laugh only causing herself more pain " shit ...fuck " she seethed through her teeth .

Regina rolled her eyes " language please " She scolded the blonde who raised an eyebrow " I have just been shot AND stabbed...i deserve to curse as I please " Emma sassed . Regina checked her watch and they were three minutes out , she seen Emma start to drift off " no Emma stay awake for me please ..umm oh. Tell me about yourself " Regina rushed out in an attempt to keep Emma awake " I-" Emma started " come on ..whats the famous army Emma got going on " Regina joked earning a smile from Emma who had her eyes closed " I've been in the army for t-ten years and I ...i-im a raging lesbian " she laughing out the last part , Regina chuckled " good to know " she said patting Emma's leg " what made you want to join the army ..hmm. Emma stay awake come on were nearly there " Regina said holding Emma's head " I.. didn't have a family and joining..the was my ..way ..of h-having one ." Emma said , Regina felt her gut turn and tears spring to her eyes . She heard a bell signalling they were close to the station " you made it Emma " she laughed out " I made it ?" Emma asked , Regina laughed and nodded " you made it " Emma nodded " you know , your a bit of a bitch ...but your not a bad doctor" Emma teased making Regina laugh .

Emma slowly felt herself drifting just as the train came to a stop , she could hear Reginas voice fade out
" Emma ! ...come on now , wake up ..stay awake ! Emma ! "

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