you know your a bit- #2

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Regina had just landed in Storybrooke on the flight from Paris , she gave a statement when she was in Paris and they told her she could go home so that's exactly what she did .

She got off the flight and walked through the airport to catch a taxi out front , she put her bags in the boot and jumped into the back of the taxi
" where to ? " the taxi driver asked
"Miffin street ,  Storybrooke please " Regina replied and relaxed into the leather seat in the taxi and closed her eyes , imagines from the day before flashed through her eyes . Of the man , Emma...and the blood , she shook her head and realised she had actually fallen asleep and they were just coming into Storybrooke. 

When they pulled up outside Reginas house she paid the man and took her bags . She stood on the porch and took out her keys to open the door , once inside she only had time to drop her keys in the bowl before she was grabbed around the waist by her son , she had to balance herself because of the speed he hugged her at . She wrapped her arms around him
" Henry?" She called gently , he looked up with a worried expression on his face " I thought you were dead" he cried out " what ?! ..why " Regina asked clueless.

Her son let go and dragged her by the arm to the sitting room where her mother and sister were sitting waiting , he pointed to the tv , the news about the terrorist on the train was everywhere " oh , no Henry I'm fine " Regina said hugging her son " good , we were so worried Regina , they wouldn't give us any information " Cora added " yea I know i got an emergency flight " Regina replied " what happened ?" Zelena asked .

Regina sighed and sipped a cup of coffee her mother made her before talking , they were all sitting around the sitting room waiting for Regina to continue " okay well I got a call about a new prototype in Amsterdamn so I got a flight there and they showed me , not the best version but None the less I was invited to a talk in Paris so I decided the train was the best way to go " Zelena laughed " you thought wrong sis " Cora slapped Zelena across the head making Henry and Regina laugh .

" I know , anyway ,I was in first class and as I was putting my case overhead Emma bumped into me and I dropped my suitcase ..we had an altercation and we ignored each other for a little while with a but of chatter in between , she knew daddy and I know she's in the army " Cora nodded " oh Emma yes , .she's an amazing young woman " Regina rolled her eyes playfully and continued " she went to the bathroom and I heard a bang so I stood up , the door to first class opened and a man with a gun and bag innhis hand came in the same time Emma came out of the bathroom , he looked at her then me and decided I was closer and started to lift the gun to me but Emma ran at him , he shot her " Cora gasped lightly " she tackled him and got the gun off of him , he pulled out a knife and stabbed her in the stomach " Everyone was on the edge of their seats " Jesus Christ " Zelena sighed "yea , the drive came and he tied the man up after Emma knocked him unconscious , she fell against a seat and I ran over to her trying to apply pressure but she told me not to and to go check on other people but I didn't want to leave her " Regian sighed taking a break ." What happened next" Henry asked eyes wide .

" I left her and told the driver to shout for me if she slipped unconscious , I helped a few people who were hurt and then I heard Emma scream so I ran as fast as I could through the train and when I got to her she was stupidly trying to pull the bullet from her shoulder , mind you the only thing stopping the bleeding , I scolded her and she rolled her eyes at me ..i mean who dies that ! " Regina laughed " we were ten minutes out and Emma's stomach was bad , she was looking way too much blood , s-she ..she I'm told me to leave her that she wasn't going to make it and I shouldn't waste anything on her But I ignored her and when we made it I told her and we laughed , she went unconscious just as the train stopped and I laid her down and told the paramedics who rushed on the situation and they took her away on a gurney " Regina had finished her story " was she okay ?" Henry gasped out " oh yes , the paramedic came and asked me to come with him , Emma was trying to sit up in the ambulance and thank me but they wouldn't let her , she shouted at them in French the best she could and she said thank you and they took her away " Regina added on .

" thank God she's okay , your father would be so proud ..of both of you " Cora mentioned making Regina smile . " okay I have today and tommorow off work so let's do something " Regina cheered causing Henry to jump up in glee . The two days consisted of Regina and Henry in  Grannys , the arcade and at home watching movies .

Emma was sitting in her hospital bed bored and flicking through the stations when her father walked in , Grannys take away bag in hand "the best grilled cheese in town " he said smiling seeing his daughter brighten up from his presence " oh thanks dad , the hospital food just isn't the same " Emma groaned grabbing the bag from her father . " your mother is off at four so expect her to come coddle you some more " David laughed causing Emma to roll her eyes " I got to go sweetie but I'll be back later okay , you rest " he kissed Emma's forehead and walked to the door " yes sir " she teased her father "I mean it Emma , rest " he lightly scolded before walking out .

A nurse that was dealing with Emma came into the room " belle " Emma greeted " Emma, time for bloods " she said holding up the gloves " great " Emma sighed . Just as belle was done with talking the blood Emma heard laughter coming towards her room , she sat up knowing exactly who it was .

" well if it isn't little miss Swan " Killian teased leaning against the door frame " Killian " Emma said happily " oi oi " August said coming into view then it was Jefferson , Ruby and Lily " guys how did you get here" Emma asked smiling as all her friends hugged her " cap , you fought off a terrorist on a train , damn right we are here for you right now " Emma laughed at her close friends choice of words .

Regina walked into work through the A&E , she buzzed herself through to the ICU floor where she heard chanting from patients , she stood at the end of the hall where two people were racing in wheel chairs , she stood in front making then stop and folding her arms " regain i-" Belle started as she caught up " belle take this wheelchair off this nice gentleman please " Regina demanded looking at August up and down who put his hands up in surrender and standing up " sorry .." he laughed
" yea Regina , it's a bit of fun " Emma laughed sitting up in her wheelchair . Regina scoffed " not when you've just been shot and stabbed Ms Swan , now back to bed " Emma groaned " move it" Regina demanded making Killian geabb the handles and wheeling Emma back into her room down the hall where Ruby and Lilly were sitting "oh look who got in trouble from the doctors " Ruby teased as Emma stood to get into the Bed , Emma laughed trying to push her but winched and seethed from the pain
" okay that's it , visiting time is over" Regina said kicking everyone out , everyone walked out laughing except Killian and Ruby who waited to say goodbye " Everyone " Regina added grabbing Emma's chart , Ruby rolled her eyes and hugged Emma " she's a bitch " she said , Emma laughed at Reginas reaction " oh don't I know " Emma answered, Killian kissed her head " see you tommorow swan " he cooed and walked out with Ruby .

" you have ruined my fun " Emma whined " good , your supposed to be recovering Emma not messing around " Regina scolded "so this is the hospital you work at " Emma changed the subject , Regina rolled her eyes
" yes , I do and you live here ?" She asked " nope , my parents do ..they wanted me to come home so they could watch me " Emma said Making Regina laugh " wow , your being codled aren't you " Emma rolled her eyes " more like smothered " Regina shook her head and giggled " oh stop you have had a serious trauma you will need to heal " Emma furrowed her eyebrows " so have you , who's taking care of you Regina ? " Regina wasn't expecting that question " I'm fine " Emma grabbed Reginas hand "your not don't think I know Ptsd when I see it " Emma questioned "I'm fine Emma don't worry about me your the one in the hospital and I had my two days off " Emma nodded " did you sleep " Emma asked straight out .

Regina wouldn't look at Emma
" Regina, did you sleep " Emma asked again firmer this time " no..yes , I slept a few hours , I couldn't get comfortable " Emma rolled her eyes
" bullshit " Emma stated " Regina talk to someone ..its not going to go away " Emma reassured, Regina put everything back and walked do it of the room " Regina " Emma called after her but she didn't listen , Emma's mother walks into the room "what was that about ?" She asked
" nothing mom ...hows baby Neal ?" Emma asked changing the subject "granny is taking care if him today , how are you " Mary Margret asked sitting next to her daughter " I'm good , glad to be out of here next week " .

The rest of the week Emma seen Regina and she looked worse as each day went by , Emma knew she was struggiling with it but wouldn't tell anyone so she was just going to have to force it out of her .

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