Your Alright

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Regina walked down the halls of the crowded school to her locker , she got her books and put them in her bag "hey bitch you ready for class ?" Her friend Marian asked "yea I'm ready let's go " Regina replied walking down the hall .

They went to their first class , science . Regina sat beside Belle and in front of Marian and Zelena " are you okay ?" Belle asked her frie d seeming concerned . Regina nodded and brushed Belle off " yea I'm fine " she said taking her books out of her bag . The rest of the day went along pretty quickly up until lunch .

Regina was sitting at the table with her group of friends . Zelena and Belle were on her right . Jack and Tink was on her left and Robin , Marian, Graham and Arthur were sitting across from her . They talked about random things and ate their lunch " here someone try this taste weird " Marian said holding up a protein bar " well yea ..its protein it's gonna taste weird " Zelena stated
" here let me taste " Regina offered , she took a bite of the bar " it's not horrible it's like bland but a lot of sugar " she added swallowing the piece she tasted .

By the end of lunch Regina had a head ache and was starting to feel sick . A group of people, other friends of friends came over to have a quick chat before they went to school " you okay?" One of the girls Emma who was also Reginas next door neighbour  asked " are you okay ."  , Regina nodded " yea I'm fine , just have a headache " Emma nodded and smiled before walking to class .

Regina was sitting in class and coudlnt focus on her work , she felt sick and like she was about to faint , the teacher let her go to the bathroom so she took her bag and went to the bathroom. She splashed water on her face and felt a little bit better and calmed down but as soon as she began to walk to class she felt sick again . She knew her parents were in work so she decided to just skip school , she ran out of the gym doors and home .her chest was tight and she couldn't breathe , she felt like she was going to vomit and faint at the same time . When she got home and up to her room she sat on the edge of her bed and but her head in her hands to try calm down but the more she tried the harder it got and soon enough Regina was sobbing uncontrollably.

Emma noticed Regina run out the gym doors and wondered what happened to her so Emma skipped last period to go check on Regina . When Emma got to Reginas house she seen the front door was left cracked opened so she walked in " Regina ?" She called . No answer " hey Regina it's Emma , I just came to check on you" still no answer . 

Emma walked up the stairs slowly and to Reginas room , well the room she hoped was Reginas . She opened the door slowly and didn't see Regina at first until she scanned the room and noticed the smaller brunette sitting in the corner at the head of her bed with her knees tucked up to her chest and puffy eyes rocking back and forth .

" hey Regina ...its Emma " Emma said quietly but Regina didn't move she just kept silently crying . Emma walked over to the corner and got on her knees in front of Regina " Regina what happened " Emma asked . The brunettes breathing was heavy and raged and she looked disoriented "I-i ..d-dont know " she got out , voice cracking .

Emma knew straight away what was happening and grabbed Regina to bring her to her Chest " come here " Emma said pulling Regina to her . Regina didn't reject or fight the hug , she melted into Emma's touch and tucked her head into Emma's neck .

Emma gently rocked them back and forth while squeezing Regina a little in a hug " your okay Regina " Emma whispered , Regina didn't know it but she started to sob again and could t breathe . Emma let go of the girl and reached into her bag for her paper bag her lunch was in " here take deep breathes into this bag okay ? In and out ..thats it " Emma said handing Regina the bag .

Regina was breathing into the bag and trying to calm her sobs , Emma wrapped her arm around Regina and rubbed her back gently " your alright , it's okay ..your okay " Emma cooed . Regina calmed down after about an hour and was wiping her tears away " is your bathroom in there ?" Emma asked pointing to the door across the room , Regina nodded .

Emma got up from the floor and walked to the bathroom , she filled a glass up with water from the tap and got two aspirin from Reginas cabinet . She walked back into the room to see the brunette sitting on the edge of her bed " here , for your head ache " She said handing Regina the pills and water " thank you " Regina said . Her voice was broken and gravely because of the crying .

Emma sat down beside Regina again "do you usually have panic attacks like that ?" She asked . Regina shook her head " no I ...ive only have two before and they never felt like this , I felt so sick and I couldn't be there school " Emma nodded understanding Regina " how did you know that would help me ?" She asked looking at the blonde " I didn't ..well the paper bag is essential for catching your breathe but I just hoped I was enough to calm you down " she said scratching the back of her head "thank you ..seriously I don't know what I would have done " Regina started " hey , your okay ..relax , you got over it . It's gone " Emma replied .

Emma hugged Regina once more before standing up and grabbing her bag " okay I better go and explain why I skipped last period " she joked
" you skipped for me ?" Regina gasped that Emma skipped school
" of course ..i was worried " Emma stated frowning " okay I better go , text me later when you feel better " Emma said walki g out of the room .

Later that night after Regina talked to her parents she texted Emma

Regina - hey , thanks again Emma for today really helped me x

Emma - no problem , how are you feeling now ?

Regina - exhausted , I talked to my parents and they said I could take the next few days off to relax and be stress free

Emma - yea but your coming back right ?

Regina - yea ...hooefully , I still feel sick every time I think about school and my stomach turns but I have to go back

Emma - Regina just please promise me whenever you feel like that or have anxiety or another panic attack matter how small it is that you will text or call me ?

Regina - I promise but you shouldn't worry about me Emma , you skipped school today ..

Emma - and if I didn't you probably would have still been in that state , just get some rest and tell me when you feel like that

Regina - okay , goodnight Emma

Emma - night neighbour

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