A New Beginning

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" Emma Marie Swan , get your cheeky ass down these stairs or so help me god -" Zelena was cut off by the little seven year old stoning down the stairs " what !" She sassed back , Zelena had to hold back her laugh because Emma was standing on the bottom step , arms crossed and eyebrow raised "why did you call Ms Gale a bitch and where the hell did you even learn a cuss like that !?" Zelena scolded , mentally slapping herself after she realised what she said " well that solves that case " the older woman sassed .

Zelena sighed and closed her eyes "I am so sorry Gale , she must of heard me on the phone to my sister the other day " Zelena apologised "well maybe you should refrain from using such foul language in front of the children Miss Mills " the nun scolded "yes ma'am " she said . Zelena turned to the young blonde still standing cross armed on the stairs "now who's in trouble " Emma spit smirking "go get your bag quickly or I'll go without you " Zelena demanded making Emma bolt up the stairs to the room she shared with her two beat friends

" she's a wild one " Gale said laughing "oh don't I know it " Zelena replied laughing .

Zelena sat in her car fondly remembering that moment before turning her car off , grabbing the wrapped gift and walking towards the  small home in Boston. She knocked twice before August answered "well look who it is " he said smiling hugging the older woman " hello to you too , where is she ?" Zelena asked looking around the room follies with balloons and banners " upstairs with Ruby " Zelena nodded and looked to the stairs when she heard footsteps.

" Mills " Emma said crossing her arms at the bottom step , Zelena raised her eyebrow " Swan " she said before laughing " hey momma " Emma cooed hugging Zelena " hey honey " Zelena said kissing Emma's forehead , they broke apart when they heard Emma's mother Mary Margret walking towards them " so great to see you Z " Mary Margret cooed " you too snow , where's charming ?" She asked smiling "out side on the barbecue " Mary Margret said rolling her eyes making everyone laugh .

Zelena gave Emma the box and she put it with all the other gifts " where's the little bean ?" Zelena asked looking for the toddler "he's outside with Killian playing pirates " Emma said nodding towards the back garden "how's the bug doing " Emma whispered just for Zelena to hear before poking her stomach Lightly "she's good " Zelena answered , Emma smiled " she ?" Emma asked making Zelena nod , Emma hugged her "cute , finally Henry can have a little friend" .

Zelena had excused herself to take a call while everyone was socializing , Emma had Henry on her lap feeding him mac and cheese with a baby fork " yay good boy " Emma cheered every time he took a bite "woah look at that little man , your gonna get all big and strong " August cooed " strong like uncle Killy " Killian cooed "you two are terrible " Emma laughed at the deep voiced men trying to baby talk "hey !" They both replied at the same time " what did I miss " Zelena said returning " the boys trying to baby talk " Emma laughed " well in that case I'm glad I wasn't here " Zelena teased causing both men to huff in their chairs " so what a the plan for thanksgiving ?" Zelena asked everyone .

"Fishing with my poops" August replied " my brothers family offered for me to stay with them so I'm taking the offer " Killian mentioned " ems ?" Zelena asked " well mom and dad are going away on a cruise before baby Neal is born so me and Hen are alone" Zelena nodded " would you come home with me for moral support ?" Emma smiled " of course i would " Zelena sighed thankful "thank god , Henry can distract my parents and you can distract Regina" Emma furrowed her eyebrows "and how do I do that ?" Emma asked "I don't know just anything to stop her from killing me " Zelena laughed .

*two weeks later *

Zelena drove to pick up Emma and Henry early on the Friday morning "hello guys , all ready ?" Zelena said when David answered the door "I reckon so Emma , Honey Zee is here " David shouted up the stairs , Mary Margret came out of the kitchen , Henry's little feet running beside her to keep up " hello little man , are you ready for a trip ?" Henry gooed and laughed " mmmm" he said for a yes . Emma ran down the stairs but cursed herself and ran back up , returning a few moments later with a blanket "okay I have everything " she said already exhausted from the morning .

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